Browsing by Author "Palau i Saumell, Ramon"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Clothing brand purchase intention through SNS
Pujadas Hostench, Jordi; Palau i Saumell, Ramon; Forgas Coll, Santiago; Sánchez García, Javier (Online Information Review, 2019, vol. 43, num. 5, p. 867-892, 2019-09)Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the intention to purchase products through clothing brands’ social network sites (SNS) based on the theory of planned behavior and uses and gratifications ... -
CRYPTO-MANIA: How fear-of-missing-out drives consumers’ (risky) investment decisions
Friederich, Felix; Meyer, Jan-Hinrich; Matute, Jorge; Palau i Saumell, Ramon (Psychology & Marketing. 2024;41:102–117, 2023-09-09)The cryptocurrencies (cryptos) market has undergone rapid development in the last years. Although this market is highly volatile and has frequently crashed, consumers show continued interest as well as ... -
Digital natives and streaming TV platforms: an integrated perspective to explain continuance usage of over-the-top services
Friederich, Felix; Palau i Saumell, Ramon; Matute, Jorge; Meyer, Jan-Hinrich (Online Information Review 2024, 48 (1), 2024-01-15)Purpose: Digital natives constitute a substantial part of consumers nowadays. Yet, a theoretical understanding of the factors driving their engagement with new-age digital services is lacking. This study ... -
Gamify, engage, build loyalty: exploring the benefits of gameful experience for branded sports apps
Habachi, Salma; Matute, Jorge; Palau i Saumell, Ramon (Journal of Product and Brand Management. 2024;33(1):57-75, 2024-06-15)Purpose This study aims to examine the impact of the gameful experience on behavioural outcomes. Drawing from stimulus–organism–response theory, it proposes and tests a new model that investigates the ... -
The impact of the perceived risk of COVID-19 on consumers' attitude and behavior toward locally produced food
Palau i Saumell, Ramon; Matute, Jorge; Derqui, Belén; Meyer, Jan-Hinrich (British Food Journal, 2021-12-17)Purpose This study analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the consumption of locally produced food. In particular, it examines an extended model of the theory of planned behavior, with the ... -
The Influence of Organizations’ Tax Avoidance Practices on Consumers’ Behavior: The Role of Moral Reasoning Strategies, Political Ideology, and Brand Identification
Matute, Jorge; Sánchez Torelló, José Luis; Palau i Saumell, Ramon (Journal of Business Ethics. 2020;174:369-386, 2020-09-02)This study adopts moral reasoning strategies (moral rationalization and decoupling) to investigate why consumers support companies involved in ethical transgressions. Drawing on several cases of real ... -
Transforming Event Experiences: The Role of Application Technology in Shaping Behavioral Intentions and Attachment to Places
Habachi, Salma; Palau i Saumell, Ramon; Matute, Jorge (International Journal of Tourism Research. 2024;26(5):e2782, 2024-10-06)This study develops an integrated model that investigates the impact of app technology on event experiences and subsequent consumer behaviors—place attachment, affective commitment, and behavioral ... -
Understanding customer brand engagement in user-initiated online brand communities: antecedents and consequences
Matute, Jorge; Palau i Saumell, Ramon; Occhiocupo, Nicoletta (Journal of Product & Brand Management. 2019;30(3):360-376, 2019-11-04)Purpose The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of customer brand engagement (CBE) by proposing and empirically testing a model of antecedents and consequences of CBE for ...