Articles publicats en revistes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 196
Measuring event experience and its behavioral consequences in the context of a sports mega-event
(Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 2021)Purpose: This study aims to analyze the impact of event experience on event satisfaction and intentions to return and recommend the destination. Design/methodology/approach: Relationships among ... -
La gestión de los datos administrativos en España: diagnóstico y retos de futuro
(Cuadernos Economicos de ICE, 2021)Los países de nuestro entorno han dado pasos importantes para gestionar y facilitar el acceso a la ingente cantidad de datos que generan y recopilan las Administraciones públicas, lo que supone una ... -
How Can Large Manufacturers Digitalize Their Business Models? A Framework for Orchestrating Industrial Ecosystems
(California Management Review, 2022)For manufacturers, remaining competitive depends on their ability to digitalize their business models (i.e., offer digital and digitally enhanced products and services). To achieve this, they must engage ... -
Managing the Transition to a Dual Business Model: Tradeoff, Paradox, and Routinized Practices
(Organization Science, 2022)Building on an in-depth study of a manufacturing company’s shift from a product to a product-service business model, we explore how single-focus companies transition to a dual orientation. Although ... -
The changing structure of Government consumption spending
(International Economic Review, 2022)We document a secular change in the structure of government consumption spending: Over time the government purchases relatively more private-sector goods, and relies less on its own production of value ... -
Beyond the money: grantors supporting their grantees
(Journal of Management and Governance, 2022)This study analyses the relationship between grant-making foundations (grantors) and operative nonprofit organizations (grantees) to determine whether a positive association exists between foundations’ ... -
The Standards of Protection of Trans People Elaborated by the Court of Strasbourg and their Incorporation in the Recent Spanish Legislative Proposal
(Age of Human Rights Journal, 2022)This article has two main purposes. On the one hand, it aims to systematise the progress made by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in the creation of common standards for the protection of trans ... -
Effectiveness-equity tradeoffs in enforcing exclusionary supply chain policies: Lessons from the Amazonian cattle sector
(Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022)To address ongoing deforestation for global food commodities production, companies and governments have adopted a range of forest-focused supply chain policies. In the Brazilian Amazon, these policies ... -
Organizations as Spaces for Caring: A Case of an Anti-trafficking Organization in India
(Journal of Business Ethics, 2022)Prior research has shown that human trafficking has multiple facets and is deeply enmeshed in societies around the world. Two central challenges for anti-trafficking organizations pertain to confronting ... -
Where does the heart lie? A multistage process model of entrepreneurial passion and role identity management
(Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2022)With research on entrepreneurial passion booming, there is an increasing need to understand how and why that passion influences entrepreneurs' performance over time. To address this need, we develop a ... -
The puzzle of sharing scientific data
(Industry and Innovation, 2022)Government funding entities have placed data sharing at the centre of scientific policy. While there is widespread consensus that scientific data sharing benefits scientific progress, there are significant ... -
The EU’s interactions with formal intergovernmental organizations: a big data analysis of news media
(Journal of European Integration, 2022)Interactions between the EU and IGOs ˗ such as joint statements, verbal public disagreements, formal cooperation agreements, and IGO dispute resolution involving the EU ˗ have increased in the past ... -
Relational diversity in social portfolios predicts well-being
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022)We document a link between the relational diversity of one’s social portfolio—the richness and evenness of relationship types across one’s social interactions—and well-being. Across four distinct samples, ... -
Buying Through Social Platforms: Perceived Risks and Trust
(Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 2021)Social platforms are currently encountering a set of burning issues: low ad conversion rates, cross-channel free-riding phenomena, lack of monetary incentives to retain premium content creators, etc. ... -
Internal and External Transparency in Public-Private Partnerships—The Case of Barcelona’s Water Provision
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021)Despite the efforts devoted to open government, transparency is mainly considered an issue for public organizations. However, various tasks such as public services delivery and management are being ... -
Measuring leadership an assessment of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
(PLOS One, 2021)Although the most used measure of transformational leadership, the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), has been the subject of intense scrutiny among leadership scholars, little interest has ... -
Exploring the performance implications of precarious work
(Journal of Operations Management, 2021)Precarious work, or employment that is associated with temporary contracts, low earnings and limited or no employee representation, is on the rise. From an operations perspective, these practices should ... -
On the road to digital servitization – The (dis)continuous interplay between business model and digital technology
(International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2021)Purpose: The authors seek to understand the process of digital servitization as a shift of manufacturing companies from the provision of standard products and services to smart solutions. Specifically, ... -
Equity Crowdfunding: High-Quality or Low-Quality Entrepreneurs?
(Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 2021)Equity crowdfunding (ECF) has potential benefits that might be attractive to high-quality entrepreneurs, including fast access to a large pool of investors and obtaining feedback from the market. However, ... -
The Trojan-horse mechanism: How networks reduce gender segregation
(Science Advances, 2021)The segregation of labor markets along ethnic and gender lines is socially highly consequential, and the social science literature has long viewed homophily and network-based job recruitments as some ...