Articles publicats en revistes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 196
Assessing the Effects of User Accountability in Contracting Out
(Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2024)How does contracting out affect service performance? Evidence to date is mixed. We argue that this is partially due to prior studies focusing often on whether—not how—services are contracted. Yet, how ... -
Jesuit Pedagogy's 'Missing Link'
(Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, 2024)Jesuit pedagogy has undergone a major renewal in the last fifty years. In this process, various inspirational formulations of its educational vision have been chosen. Despite maintaining a common language ... -
How can sustainable business models distribute value more equitably in global value chains? Introducing “value chain profit sharing” as an emerging alternative to fair trade, direct trade, or solidarity trade
(Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, 2024)Global supply chains often distribute value inequitably among the Global North and South. This perpetuates poverty and contributes to indecent work in raw material-producing countries, thus creating ... -
El eslabón perdido de la pedagogía Jesuita
(Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, 2024)La pedagogía jesuita ha experimentado una renovación importante en los últimos cincuenta años. En este periodo, se han elaborado diversas formulaciones inspiradoras de su visión educativa. A pesar de ... -
The Ethics of Commons Organizing: A Critical Reading
(Journal of Business Ethics, 2024)In this article, we seek to explore the different normative claims made around commons organizing and how the advent of the digital commons introduces new ethical questions. We do so by unpacking and ... -
Sonic sensations: Navigating the mixed outcomes of ASMR in retail advertising
(Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024)This paper investigates the influence of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) elements in advertising on consumer attitudes. Through three experimental studies, we assess the impact of ASMR on ... -
Interacting With Curves: How to Validly Test and Probe Interactions in the Real (Nonlinear) World
(Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2024)Hypotheses involving interactions in which one variable modifies the association between another two are very common. They are typically tested relying on models that assume effects are linear, for ... -
Enhancing satisfaction with public services: The effect of recalling personal experiences
(International Public Management Journal, 2024)This article contributes to the study of the determinants of satisfaction with public services and the application of the expectation-disconfirmation model to public services. This is relevant for a ... -
Nurses’ preferences regarding MenACWY conjugate vaccines attributes: a discrete choice experiment in Spain
(Public Health, 2024)Objectives Immunisation against preventable diseases as meningitis is crucial from a public health perspective to face challenges posed by these infections. Nurses hold a great responsibility for these ... -
How well does the implementation of corporate zero-deforestation commitments in Indonesia align with aims to halt deforestation and include smallholders?
(Environmental Research Letters, 2024)In response to growing scrutiny surrounding commodity-driven deforestation, companies have introduced zero-deforestation commitments (ZDCs) with ambitious environmental and social targets. However, such ... -
Savouring the Present to Better Recall the Past
(Journal of Happiness Studies, 2024)So far, there is evidence showing that the use of specific emotion regulation strategies in response to negatively-valenced stimuli shapes the way people subsequently remember them. However, still little ... -
Organizational Goals, Outcomes, and the Assessment of Performance: Reconceptualizing Success in Management Studies
(Journal of Management Studies, 2024)We revisit the study of organizational goals, outcomes, and assessment of performance that together define the process leading to ‘success’. We begin by conducting a systematic review of existing research ... -
Dansen op de vulkaan: leiderschap in onzekerheid
(Holland Management Review, 2024)De toekomst van onze wereld staat ter discussie. We worden geconfronteerd met klimaatverandering, geopolitieke conflicten, polarisatie in de samenleving, demografische spanningen, ontwrichtende ... -
Una propuesta de recuperación de elementos de la Ratio Studiorum válidos a día de hoy
(Revista de Fomento Social, 2024)Este trabajo propone una relectura de la Ratio Studiorum (RS) con el objetivo de recuperar algunos de sus elementos que, especialmente a partir del Concilio Vaticano II, pasaron a un segundo plano. Nuestro ... -
How Do Cash Windfalls Affect Entrepreneurship? Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery
(Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2024)We show cash windfalls affect the real economy by spurring entrepreneurship. We identify these effects using the Spanish Christmas Lottery, which provides a unique setting as prizes are geographically ... -
From heritage tourism to sun and beach destinations: The explanatory role of enviromental factors on the average daily rate.
(Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2024)Purpose - This study aims to analyse whether the impact of external factors on the average daily rate (ADR) varies according to the type of destination. The study measures the effects of length of stay, ... -
Mapping the Contours of Blame: An Account of the Moral Boundaries of Organizations
(Journal of Business Ethics, 2024)This paper presents an account of the moral boundaries of organizations. We define an organization’s moral boundary to encompass all of the actions for which it could be held morally responsible. Our ... -
The where and the who of HRM decision-making: HRM decentralization and devolution
(Employee Relations, 2024)Purpose – HRM decentralization and devolution have been highlighted as key HRM processes in organizations’ quest for increased flexibility. Although they have been extensively studied in the MNC ... -
The moderating effect of seasonality in the hotel industry. Does market concentration favour tacit collusion?
(European Journal of Tourism Research, 2024)Market concentration is associated with higher prices. However, previous research has not considered whether the market concentration effect on prices is moderated by seasonality in markets where firms ... -
Nationalist sentiments and the multinational enterprise: insights from organizational sociology
(Journal of International Business Studies, 2024)International business scholars have recognized the impact of political and economic nationalism on the multinational enterprise (MNE). We complement these approaches by highlighting the sociological ...