Articles publicats en revistes: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 81-100 de 196
The Challenge of Implementing Voluntary Sustainability Standards: A Dynamic Framework on the Tension between Adherence and Adaptation
(Business Ethics Quarterly, 2023)Voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) aim to encourage ethical behaviors of organizations, yet studies show that many VSS adopters do not live up to these promises. Existing literature typically ... -
CEO selection in intergovernmental organizations: the clash between control and efficiency in governance
(Journal of Management and Governance, 2023)CEO selection is a crucial governance function influencing and driving the strategic direction of organizations. Extant research has largely assumed that boards are an efficient mechanism vested with ... -
Configurations of social media-enabled strategies for open innovation, firm performance, and their barriers to adoption
(Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2023)The use of social media offers tremendous innovation potential. Yet, while current research emphasizes success stories, little is known about how firms can leverage the full potential of their social ... -
Measuring affect dynamics: An empirical framework
(Behavior Research Methods, 2023)A fast-growing body of evidence from experience sampling studies suggests that affect dynamics are associated with well-being and health. But heterogeneity in experience sampling approaches impedes ... -
Patterns in firms’ inventories and flexibility levels after a low‐probability, high‐impact disruption event: Empirical evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake
(Production and Operations Management, 2023)How do firms respond after being exposed to a low‐probability, high‐consequence (lp‐hc) disruption event? This study examines inventory and flexibility patterns in manufacturing firms in the years ... -
Scale-ups and scaling in an international business context
(Journal of World Business, 2023)Scaling, the persistent rapid growth to deliver a viable business model, often incorporates an explicit international business dimension. However, research on the cross-border management and organization ... -
How to build a conscientious corporate brand together with business partners: A case study of Unilever
(Industrial Marketing Management, 2023)Although a few scholars have suggested that the strategic alignment of the corporate brand's business partner network is essential to bring the corporate brand conscience to life, there remains limited ... -
Selecting Innovation Projects: Do Middle and Senior Managers Differ When It Comes to Radical Innovation?
(Journal of Management Studies, 2023)Drawing on the attention-based view, we theorize about the differences in middle and senior managers' choices to pursue innovation projects. We test our hypotheses in an experimental study examining the ... -
Examining Open Innovation in Science (OIS): what Open Innovation can and cannot offer the science of science
(Innovation: Organization and Management, 2023)Scholars across disciplines increasingly hear calls for more open and collaborative approaches to scientific research. The concept of Open Innovation in Science (OIS) provides a framework that integrates ... -
Addressing Endogeneity Without Instrumental Variables: An Evaluation of the Gaussian Copula Approach for Management Research
(Journal of Management, 2023)The availability and quality of instrumental variables (IV) are frequent concerns in empirical management research when trying to overcome endogeneity problems. For endogeneity that does not arise from ... -
Entry diversion: Deterrence by diverting submarket entry
(Strategic Management Journal, 2023)Research Summary: Going back to Bain (1956), strategy scholars have long recognized the importance of deterring entry for sustaining incumbents' profits in an industry. We introduce a new mechanism, ... -
Does personality matter? Exploring its moderating role on the relationship between neighbourhood ethnic outgroup-size and preferences for Brexit
(European Societies, 2024)Prior research has examined the relationship between ethnic outgroup-size at the neighbourhood level and Brexit support, yet there is a lack of understanding on the factors that moderate these effects. ... -
Lobbying the executive branch: Unpacking access to political heads, political advisers, and civil servants
(Business and Politics, 2023)This article systematically examines how access of business groups and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to the executive branch of the European Union varies across political heads, civil servants, ... -
The Real Effects of Analyst Research Quality: Evidence from the Adoption of the Broker Protocol
(Australian Accounting Review, 2023)I provide empirical evidence that labour market frictions have an adverse effect on the quality of analyst research. Using the staggered, voluntary adoption of the Protocol for Broker Recruiting (Protocol) ... -
Correction: The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises’ environmental outcomes
(Journal of International Business Studies, 2024)The article “The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises’ environmental outcomes”, written by Pia Ellimäki, Ruth V. Aguilera, Nuria Esther Hurtado-Torres and J. Alberto ... -
¿Importa la gobernanza corporativa para los rendimientos de las acciones?
(Emisores, 2024)La relación entre la gobernanza corporativa y los rendimientos de las acciones ha sido objeto de un debate y estudio significativos en la literatura financiera. Tradicionalmente, las empresas con buenas ... -
Goal-Based Private Sustainability Governance and Its Paradoxes in the Indonesian Palm Oil Sector
(Journal of Business Ethics, 2023)In response to stakeholder pressure, companies increasingly make ambitious forward-looking sustainability commitments. They then draw on corporate policies with varying degrees of alignment to disseminate ... -
Análisis de la reglamentación del uso del Big Data ambiental en España aplicaciones para la conservación y gestión de los parques naturales
(Revista eurolatinoamericana de Derecho Administrativo, 2023)El Big Data ambiental, considerado como tecnología derivada de la Revolución Digital, puede ser un aliado objetivo para el desarrollo de la función pública de conservación y protección del medio ambiente, ... -
El secuestro de páginas web y otras plataformas por la Administración Pública
(Esade Law Review, 2024) -
Examining the Ability, Motivation and Opportunity (AMO) framework in HRM research: Conceptualization, measurement and interactions
(International Journal of Management Reviews, 2023)Despite the increasing popularity of the Ability, Motivation, Opportunity (AMO) framework in the Human Resource Management (HRM) field, AMO research is at a crossroads in theoretical and empirical ...