First Day of Class Activities implemented at La Salle URL in line with the New Learning Context
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This document presents the impact that the first session of class of a subject may have on students, in line with the objectives of the New Learning Context (NLC) implemented at La Salle Universitat Ramon Llull (La Salle-URL). As a result of a research work undertaken on the Technology Enhanced Learning
Research Group (GRETEL), diverse practical activities were implemented within the context of diverse management subjects taught in ICTs Engineering Programs in order to achieve specificobjectives in each subject. Findings show that the activities carried out during the first session of class were highly valued by both, the instructors, and the students, according to the feedback given once they experienced the activities.
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Materias (CDU)
378 - Enseñanza superior. Universidades
Palabras clave
ICTs Engineering Programs
First Day of Class
Management Subjects
New Learning Conxtext
Teaching Innovation
3 p.
Publicado por
La Salle Campus Barcelona - Universitat Ramon Llull
Publicado en
Actes de la 2a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent
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