1st International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that help Improving Access to Disabled Users (MSIADU’09)
Data de publicació
This Workshop is based on the work carried out during the 3rd
International Workshop on Human-Centered Computing (HCC08)
held at the ACM Multimedia 2008 conference in Vancouver [1].
There, participants discussed on how to use technology to achieve
an accessible environment for the disabled.
The event seeks to find original and highly innovative research in
the area of Multimedia (studies and implementations) in order to
improve accessibility to real and virtual scenarios that might be
applied to all kinds of users with disabilities or difficulties when
implementing concrete actions (navigation or interaction with a
particular medium). Furthermore, we need solutions to adapt the
environment, products and services, to the final needs of the user.
Tipus de document
Objecte de conferència
Matèries (CDU)
004 - Informàtica
62 - Enginyeria. Tecnologia
Paraules clau
Interfícies d'usuari (Informàtica)
Imatges -- Processament
Ensenyament -- Innovacions
2 p.
Publicat per
17h ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Beijing, 19-24 of October 2009
Publicat a
Proceedings of the 17h ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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