Ara mostrant els elements 241-260 de 317

    • El sector hoteler a Catalunya: situació actual i tendències de futur 

      Santomà Vicens, Ricard; Ficapal, Jordi (Murillo, David (coord.). Guies sectorials de RSE a la petita i mitjana empresa: El sector de l'hoteleria. Barcelona, pp. 15-44, 2009)
    • Hacia un turismo responsable y sostenible 

      Ficapal, Jordi; Goodwin, Harold (Harvard Deusto Business Review, 2013, Núm. 224 (junio), p. 40-50, 2013-06)
      El deterioro de lugares que son de interés por su patrimonio natural y cultural, así como de cualquier espacio público, hace más vulnerables a las compañías del sector turístico. En este sentido, el ...
    • Looking for environmental excellence in tourist destinations 

      Boyra Amposta, Josep (Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 2009. Volume 4, Issue 2, p. 91-106, 2009-10)
      This paper analyzes several factors of environmental change that affect a tourist destination along its cycle of evolution identifying for this purpose some of the existing interdependent bonds within ...
    • Nitrogen positional scanning in tetramines active against HIV-1 as potential CXCR4 inhibitors 

      Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio; Puig de la Bellacasa Cazorla, Raimon; Gibert Bosch, Albert; Planesas, Jesús M.; Ros Blanco, Laia; Batllori Aguilà, Xavier; Badía, Roger; Clotet i Sala, Bonaventura; Esté, José A.; Teixidó i Closa, Jordi (Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. Vol.14, n.4 (2016), p.1455-1472, 2015-12)
      The paradigm, derived from bicyclams and other cyclams, by which it is necessary to use the p-phenylene moiety as the central core in order to achieve high HIV-1 antiviral activities has been reexamined ...
    • Subdiffraction localization of a nanostructured photosensitizer in bacterial cells 

      Agut Bonsfills, Montserrat; Nonell, Santi; Delcanale, Pietro; Pennacchietti, Francesca; Maestrini, Giulio; Rodríguez Amigo, Beatriz; Bianchini, Paolo; Diaspro, Alberto; Iagatti, Alessandro; Patrizi, Barbara; Foggi, Paolo; Abbruzzetti, Stefania; Viappiani, Cristiano (Scientific Reports. Vol.5, 15564 (2015), 2015-10)
      Antibacterial treatments based on photosensitized production of reactive oxygen species is a promising approach to address local microbial infections. Given the small size of bacterial cells, identification ...
    • Combining research techniques to improve quality service in hospitality 

      Vila, Mar; Rovira, Xari; Costa, Gerard; Santomà Vicens, Ricard (Quality & Quantity, 2012, Volume 46, Issue 3, p. 795-812, 2011-01)
      Hospitality research includes many studies that combine and revisit the quantitative-qualitative debate, and review the arguments for and against using mixed-methods. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate ...
    • Exploring community stakeholders’ perceptions of mass tourism: the case of Bruges 

      Hernández-Maskivker, Gilda; Ferrari, Sonia; Cruyt, Aurélie Nathalie J. (Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 2019. Volume 14, Issue 1, p. 77-94, 2019-04)
      In the last years, there have been protests by residents against tourism in several destinations around the world. Tourists have also increasingly complained about destinations being overcrowded. At the ...
    • Análisis de la satisfacción de los clientes en restaurantes del Born 

      Duarte Masip, Hector (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, 21-39, 2011-02)
      Este artículo comenta y resume el estudio realizado por Laura Calvo, Marta Canvas y Alexandra Fuentes, siendo el tutor Héctor Duarte Masip, y presentado como proyecto de final de carrera en TSI - Turismo ...
    • Audit partner industry specialization and audit quality: evidence from Spain 

      García Blandón, Josep; Argilés Bosch, Josep M. (International Journal of Auditing. Vol.22, n.1 (2018), p.98-108, 2017-11)
      We investigate the impact of the industry specialization of individual auditors on audit quality. We aim to contribute to a quickly growing line of research examining the importance of audit partners ...
    • Knowledge and acknowledgement: the concept of alterity as a tool for social interaction 

      Ballarín, Josep Manel; Marín, Francesc Xavier; Navarro, Angel-Jesús (Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, Vol. 3, Núm. 3, p. 135-154, 2012)
      Human beings inhabit a symbolic reality that articulates meaning. This is culture understood as a web of meanings that actually builds our identity by providing guidance in the complexity of our ...
    • Understanding optical trapping phenomena: a simulation for undergraduates 

      Cuadros, Jordi; Mas Soler, Josep; Farré Flaquer, Arnau; Juvells Prades, Ignacio; Carnicer González, Arturo (IEEE Transactions on Education. Vol.54, n.1 (2011), p.133-140, 2011-02)
      Optical trapping is an attractive and multidisciplinary topic that has become the center of attention to a large number of researchers. Moreover, it is a suitable subject for advanced students that ...
    • Active spots tourist: Millennials vs baby boomers 

      Hernández-Maskivker, Gilda; IJspeert, Ruth (Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 2020, Vol. 6, Issue 2, p. 12-20, 2020-05)
      Purpose: Active sport tourism is one of the fastest rising leisure segments. Considering the extensive growth of both the millennial and baby boomers generation in this sector, there are large-scale ...
    • Estrategias de precios "online" en hoteles de lujo de Barcelona 

      Santomà Vicens, Ricard (Papers TSI, 2012, 2, 27-37, 2012-02)
      El gran crecimiento que ha tenido la distribución que utiliza el canal electrónico ha permitido que los clientes, a la hora de buscar un establecimiento hotelero, puedan encontrar rápidamente una gran ...
    • Estudi de l'Agenda 21 Local de Lloret de Mar i dels seus reptes de futur 

      Ackermann, C.; Boyra Amposta, Josep; Martínez, A.; Vendrell, A. (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, p. 63-74, 2011-02)
      This article is based on a research devoloped during the academic year 2009-2010 by Carla Alexandra Ackermann, Anna Martínez Moles and Alba Vendrell Torres. The research was conducted under the supervision ...
    • Turismo y desarrollo: caso práctico en Perú 

      Guix, Mireia; Pi, Mireia (Papers TSI, 2012, 2, 75-86, 2012-02)
      Este artículo introduce, debate y plantea la cooperación universitaria al desarrollo a través del turismo sostenible. Se inicia desde un proyecto fi nal de carrera que vincula una mirada teórica de los ...
    • A study on online bookers' perceptions on the importance of website quality attributes 

      Balacenko, Katja (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, 95-106, 2011-02)
      This study aims to examine the perceptions of diff erent groups of actual online buyers, both direct and indirect buyers, on the importance of website quality att ributes from hotel distribution channels. ...
    • Recreant Terra Baixa: l'escenificació teatral com a nou producte de turisme rural a Catalunya 

      Conde i Berdós, Maria J.; Alcázar, Natalia; Guim, Mireia; Latorre, Ismael (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, 79-90, 2011-02)
      L’article presenta un nou producte turístic fonamentat en dos elements bàsics: el turisme rural i el teatre català. El producte neix amb l’objectiu d’impulsar el coneixement del nostre patrimoni natural ...
    • Customer perception of service quality in Boutique Hotel Le Six Paris 

      Omanukwue, Evelyn (Papers TSI, 2012, 2, 59-70, 2012-02)
      El objetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar la percepción de la calidad de servicio en un hotel situado en París. Al mismo tiempo, se evalúa también la satisfacción y la fidelidad de los clientes, ...
    • “Barcelona foradada”, 1937-1939: projecte d'accessibilitat al patrimoni de la ciutat 

      Solà-Morales, Imma (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, p. 43-58, 2011-02)
      L’article està estructurat en dues parts. En la primera es fa una descripció d’un projecte concret d’accessibilitat al patrimoni i en la segona es presenta una explicació sobre patrimoni i recurs ...
    • La aportación estratégica de los departamentos de recursos humanos de los hoteles de alta gama en la ciudad de Barcelona 

      Correa, Marc (Papers TSI, 2012, 2, 9-23, 2012-02)
      El objetivo del presente proyecto de investigación es estudiar el grado aportación estratégica de los departamentos de Recursos Humanos de los hoteles de gama alta de la ciudad de Barcelona. Para ello ...