User's experience in the visualization of architectural images in different environments
Publication date
The visualization of images, both photographic and infographic, is a process that depends on a series of features that define the user (user profile: age, sex, culture or experience, etc.), the visual message (type of image, resolution, content, quality, etc.), and the display (size, resolution, type of screen immersive or not, etc.). When we can determine how the tree features relate, the communicative messages based on visual aspects will be more efficient for both the user and the technological output. The main objective of the research work presented in this paper is to determine whether differences in the visualization (immersive or not) of specific types of images (real and virtual) related to the architecture framework, differ depending on the gender of the user. The reflection of the existence of such differences in the future will allow us to define the characteristics of the image and the medium, and maximize the emotional communication of architectural ideas, depending on the type of user.
Document Type
Object of conference
Subject (CDU)
004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
62 - Engineering. Technology in general
Interacció persona-ordinador
Usabilitat (Disseny de sistemes)
5 p.
4th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, 29 of June to 2 of July 2010
Is part of
Proceedings of the 4th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics
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