Exploring the psychological impact of COVID-19 on adolescents with borderline personality disorder and their mothers: A focus group study
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The aim of this study was to explore the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on adolescents
diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and their mothers. This exploratory study
used a qualitative focus group approach. This study’s sample group consisted in nine participants:
five adolescents diagnosed with BPD and their four mothers. Patients were recruited from a
specialized BPD outpatient unit of a university hospital psychiatry department. The results are
divided into two main areas, the first regarding the lockdown period and the second examining the
period of gradual relaxation of lockdown restrictions. The results show that the adolescents had
difficulties in the management of their interpersonal relationships, especially in striking a balance
between individual and family space, as well as in communication, cohesion, and family dynamics.
During the COVID lockdown, adolescents experienced a stabilization of psychopathological
symptoms, but these symptoms worsened when the lockdown restrictions were lifted. Nevertheless, they reported having learned and implemented self-care strategies. The findings are discussed in terms of both individual and family impact, shedding light on some of the challenges
precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Covid-19 (Malaltia)
20 p.
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Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2022, Vol. 27(1)
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info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MCI-AEI/PN I+D/PSI 2017-83146-R
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