Articles publicats en revistes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 561-580 of 918
Análisis territorial de la práctica del tenis en Cataluña
(Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 2014, Núm. 118, 2017-05-25)This article explores the geographical study of sport in Catalonia in greater depth through the use of production and migration geographic variation models. We study the specific case of playing tennis ... -
Orientación deportiva hacia actividades tácticas
(Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 1999, Vol. 8, Núm. 2, 2017-05-22)The orientation towards a good choice of a sport would allow youngsters to choose the most adapted one to their personal characteristics. In order to do that, it is absolutely necessary to identify ... -
Diseño de un nuevo test para evaluar las aptitudes cognitivas en el deporte. Estudio de fiabilidad y validez
(Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 2010, Vol. 19, Núm. 2, 2010)The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of a new test for assessing cognitive skills in sport from a psychometric perspective. In order to show different sports situations ... -
La lucha temporal entre el bloqueador central y el colocador en el voleibol de alto nivel
(Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, 2012, Vol. 12, Núm. 46, 2017-05-22)The aim of the present study was to analyze the temporal fight of the volleyball Spanish high-level setter and the opponent middle-blocker to get advantage in the attack construction situations and ... -
Herramienta observacional para analizar la cobertura del ataque en voleibol
(Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, 2012, Vol. 12, Núm. 47, 2017-05-22)This study presents a methodological proposal that uses a competitive model to analyze a game action in volleyball known as the attack coverage. An ad hoc observation tool was designed to carry out ... -
A low-cost contact system to assess load displacement velocity in a resistance training machine
(Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2011, Núm. 10, 2017-05-22)This study sought to determine the validity of a new system for assessing the displacement and average velocity within machine-based resistance training exercise using the Chronojump System. The new ... -
Proposta d'anàlisi de la tàctica individual ofensiva en el futbol
(Apunts: Educació Física i Esports, 1996, Núm. 43, 2017-05-22)Arran de la importància que donem al factor tàctica individual en els esports d'equip es va idear un mètode d'anàlisi de la tàctica individual ofensiva en el futbol. El primer pas de la recerca va ... -
La diligència del mestre, un valor personalista. Actualitat del document Gravissimum Educationis
(Ars Brevis, 2015, Núm. 21, 2017-05-18)In this article we analize the document on education published by the II Vatican Concile in 1965. In this document we can find the idea of “diligence” as a virtue to be developed in teacher’s education. ... -
La mirada teològica: Una lectura “conciliar” de la Gravissimum Educationis: Desafiaments, vocació i protagonistes
(Ars Brevis, 2015, Núm. 21, 2017-05-18)Beyond degrees of comparison, there are realities that have a superlative characterization due to their significance and transcendence. Some, unfortunately, with a negative connotation, such as war or ... -
Memoria histórica, reconciliación y postconflicto
(Ars Brevis, 2015, Núm. 21, 2017-05-18)The process of reconciliation within a community depends on multiple factors, but the administration of the collective memory has a determining role. A process of reconciliation is only possible if the ... -
Exotisme i primitivisme: la invenció de l’alteritat. El cas de Paul Gauguin
(Ars Brevis, 2015, Núm. 21, 2017-05-18)The contradictions of European society will find in late 20th century art one of the elements bringing about more changes to the cultural scenario. Thus, beyond the tension between Tradition and Modernity, ... -
Contextual Predictors of Self-Determined Actions in Students with and without Intellectual Disability
(Psychology in the Schools, 2017, Vol. 54, Núm. 2, 2017-05-15)Evidence in the field of intellectual disability supports the positive transition outcomes that the promotion of self-determination triggers for youth with disabilities. This article examines the ... -
Descriptive Study on Gender Equity in Early Childhood Education in Catalonia, Spain
(International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2014, Vol. 4, Núm. 7, 2017-05-11)We present a protocol to assess gender equality. Its application in Early Childhood education schools allows us to assess the reality. This protocol develops a quantitative and qualitative descriptive ... -
La evaluación de la equidad de género en Educación Infantil: estudio paralelo en el Departamento de La Paz (Bolivia) y en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña (España)
(Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 2014, Vol. 7, Núm. 1, 2014)In this paper, we present the results of a study on gender equity in early childhood education in two countries with quite different political, social and cultural realities: the La Paz Department of ... -
Learning philosophical thinking through collaborative writing in secondary education
(Journal of Writing Research, 2015, Vol. 7, Núm. 1, 2017-05-08)This study investigated students' practice of philosophical thinking through collaborative writing in secondary education. A philosophy course was developed following the rationale of the learning ... -
Personas mayores con demencia institucionalizadas : efectos de la musicoterapia versus los talleres de reminiscencia-recreación
(International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology INFAD Revista de Psicología, 2015, Vol. 2, Núm. 1, 2017-05-08)The number of people affected with dementia continues to grow each year. Within the framework of Positive Psychology, we will study the positive effects of music therapy on quality of life of people ... -
Writing at university: are we on the same page?
(Cultura y Educación, 2015, Vol. 27, Núm. 3, 2017-05-08)This study seeks to analyse the characteristics and functions that students and faculty attribute to written genres in Spanish universities, to what extent these representations are shared by both groups, ... -
Los varones, profesionales en la educación infantil. Implicaciones en el equipo pedagógico y en las familias
(Revista de Investigación Educativa, 2015, Vol. 33, Núm. 1, 2017-05-04)This study wants to show the importance of the male teacher’s presence in Early Childhood Education to educational communities and society in general. This research was carried out in schools of Catalonia ... -
Educación secundaria y deporte de alta dedicación: Estudio cualitativo de modelos de compaginación
(RETOS, 2015, Núm. 28, 2017-04-27)The aim of this article is to understand the educational models, which seek to combine studies and high dedication sport in secondary education, and the involvement of clubs in their management. We ... -
Anàlisi de les mesures acadèmiques per a la compaginació dels estudis i l'esport d'alt nivell
(Temps d'Educació, 2015, Núm. 48, 2017-04-27)L’article présente une analyse des mesures académiques offertes actuellement pour rendre compatibles les études et le sport de haut niveau, dans une vision exploratoire et descriptive. Il propose deux ...