Now showing items 1-20 of 937

    • L'ètica algorítmica 

      Torralba Rosselló, Francesc (2022-10)
      El món tecnològic en què vivim està canviant radicalment les formes de viure, de relacionar-nos, de pensar, de crear, d’estimar, de treballar, i ens planteja grans qüestions respecte a la nostra identitat ...
    • PhD holders at the boundaries and knowledge brokering 

      Garcia-Morante, Marina; Castelló, Montserrat; Sala-Bubaré, Anna (Studies in Continuing Education, 2024, 1-19, 2024-05)
      Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number ofPhDs pursuing careers at the boundaries between academic andnon-academic sectors, particularly with multiple transitions anddual appointments. ...
    • Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Evaluación de las Relaciones Familiares Básicas (CERFB) 

      Ibáñez Martínez, Núria; Linares Fernández, Juan Luis; Vilaregut, Anna; Virgili Tejedor, Carles; Campreciós Orriols, Meritxell (Psicothema 2012. Vol. 24, Núm. 3, pp. 489-494, 2012)
      El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la estructura factorial y la consistencia interna del Cuestionario de Evaluación de las Relaciones Familiares Básicas (CERFB) a partir de una muestra de conveniencia ...
    • ¿Qué necesidades perciben los expertos y los futuros profesionales de la Actividad Física y del Deporte para promover un envejecimiento saludable? Visión de profesionales y estudiantes 

      Sansano-Nadal, Oriol; Roman-Viñas, Blanca; Socorro-Cumplido, Jose Luis; Nieto-Guisado, Ainhoa; Dallmeier, Dhayana; Coll-Planas, Laura; Fuente-Vidal, Andrea; Giné-Garriga, Maria (Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, Vol. 59, Num. 5, Set.-Octubre 2024, 101495, 2024-04)
      Introducción La actividad física es un componente clave de un envejecimiento saludable y actúa como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de numerosas enfermedades. El envejecimiento de la población conlleva ...
    • Problem Solving Brief Therapy: A Case Conducted by John Weakland 

      Carratala, Eduard; Vilaregut, Anna; Schlanger, Karin; Günther-Bel, Cristina (Revista de Psicoterapia, juliol 2016, Vol. 27, Nún. 104, págs. 217-232, 2016-07)
      Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar un caso lleva-do por John Weakland, como cofundador del modelo de Terapia Breve de Resolución de Problemas (TBRP),para poder llegar a una mejor comprensión del ...
    • The Effect of Situational Variables on Women’s Rink Hockey Match Outcomes 

      Arboix-Alió, Jordi; Trabal Taña, Guillem; Moreno-Galcerán, Dani; Buscà, Bernat; Arboix, Adrià; Vaz, Vasco; Sarmento, Hugo; Hileno, Raúl (Applied Sciences, 2024, 14(9), 3627, 2024-04)
      The main objective of the present study was to develop a concise predictive model to determine the likelihood of winning in female rink hockey based on various situational variables. Additionally, the ...
    • Developing O'Clils with very young learners 

      Flores, Carme; Corcoll López, Cristina (APAC ELT Journal, 2011, 2011)
      Content and Language lntegrated Learning (CLIL) is a content-based approach well-known by all lan­ guage teachers nowadays. The concept of Out­ door CLIL at School (O'CLILS) develops from the former and ...
    • Additional Language Acquisition at Infant School: Integrating MORE than Content and ILanguage 

      Corcoll López, Cristina; Flores, Carme (APAC ELT Journal, 2009, 2009)
      English is taught as an additional language in many schools at pre-pri­ mary level. Starting early alone, however, does not guarantee satisfying results in the long run. This is why it is necessary to ...
    • Construcción de la Alianza Terapéutica en la terapia de pareja: estudio de un caso con dificultades de manejo terapéutico 

      Vilaregut, Anna; Campo López, Carmen; Escudero Carranza, Valentín; Artigas Miralles, Lourdes; Mateu Martínez, Clara (Anuario de psicología / The UB Journal of psychology, 2014, Vol. 44, Núm. 1, p. 95-115, 2014-04)
      Este estudio tiene como objetivo conocer cómo se construye y modula la alianza terapéutica en un caso de terapia de pareja que presentaba desde el inicio varios indicadores de dificultad de manejo ...
    • From Male “Chance Narratives” to Female “Defeat Narratives”: Researchers in Catalonia Narrating the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on their Lives and Jobs 

      Rosàs Tosàs, Mar; Riba, Caterina; Godayol, Pilar; Pérez-Quintana, Anna; Sanmartí, Carme; Torralba Rosselló, Francesc; Pagès Santacana, Anna; Pagès, Anna; Illa Giménez, Patrícia (Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, Volume 30, Issue 3, Fall 2023, Page 972, 2023-04)
      This article proposes a three-fold typology to classify the narratives of forty-eight researchers in Catalonia describing the impact the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic had on their professional and ...
    • Report on the combat sports-related research at the 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 

      Escobar-Molina, Raquel; Morales Aznar, Jose; Franchini, Emerson (Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 18(2), 140–143., 2023-10)
      This short report describes the combat sports-related research presented at the 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), as well as the special session about this topic at ...
    • Uso responsable de Internet y seguridad digital: revisión sistemática de programas educativos 

      Aznar-Martínez, Berta; Casarramona, Aina; Grané Morcillo, Jaume; Lorente-de-Sanz, Judith; Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel; Ballester Brage, Lluís (Estudios Sobre Educación, 7, 2024-03)
      El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue analizar los programas educativos que abordan el uso responsable de Internet para gestionar los diversos retos y riesgos del espacio digital. Se utilizaron ...
    • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mood and family relationships of runners 

      Vilaregut, Anna; Abadia i Naudí, Sixte; Pineda Hernández, Sònia; Torras Garat, Sonia; Pujadas, Xavier (Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 15, 2024, 2024-04)
      Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the mood of amateur runners and on their relationships with their partners and families. Methods: Adult runners ...
    • Facing the COVID-19: A qualitative research on the impact of the pandemic on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 

      Pretel Luque, Teresa; Vilaregut, Anna; Farriols Hernando, Núria; Roca Santos, Mariona; Andrés Gárriz, C. (European Psychiatry , Volume 64 , Special Issue S1: Abstracts of the 29th European Congress of Psychiatry , April 2021 , pp. S289, 2021-04)
      Introduction Lockdown resulting from the experienced pandemic has had a great influence on the emotional and social well-being of the general population. Specifically, it is known that those with an ...
    • Hanging tough: post-PhD researchers dealing with career uncertainty 

      Skakni, Isabelle; Calatrava Moreno, María del Carmen; Corcelles-Seuba, Mariona; McAlpine, Lynn (Higher Education Research & Development, 38:7, 1489-1503, 2019-10)
      This study examines the impact of career uncertainty on post-PhD researchers’ experiences. Drawing on an identity-trajectory approach and a qualitative design, we analysed experiences of post-PhDs from ...
    • Changes in attitudes and willingness to use co-teaching through pre-service teacher training experiences 

      Duran, David; Corcelles-Seuba, Mariona; Flores Coll, Marta; Miquel, Ester (Professional Development in Education, 46(5), 770-779, 2019)
      Although the benefits of co-teaching are emphasised in the literature, implementing it is still problematic. Teacher training is necessary to change attitudes and encourage its use, but training alone ...
    • Escribir textos argumentativos de forma cooperativa: una herramienta para promover el conocimiento 

      Corcelles-Seuba, Mariona (Aula de Inovación educativa. 175, 33-35, 2008, 2008-10)
      A continuación, describimos una experiencia de escritura cooperativa para promover la argumentación y el aprendizaje en el dominio de la filosofía. Entendemos que escribir de forma cooperativa es una ...
    • Death with dignity. A polisemic approach 

      Torralba Rosselló, Francesc (Puyol, J.M. (Coord.) (2021). Human dignity and law. Studies on the dignity of human life (pp. 289-299). Tirant Lo Blanc, 2021)
      On the 22nd of June 2018 a seminar organized by RCC Study Group ¨Studies on Life and Human Dignity¨ was held at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). The Seminar New Challenges for Law: Human ...
    • Dignity: A Philosophical approach 

      Torralba Rosselló, Francesc (Pujol, J.M. (Coord.) (2020). New Challenges for law: Studies on the dignity of human life, (pp. 27-35) Tirant Lo Blanc-Harvard, 2020)
      On the 3rd June 2016 and 22nd June 2018 two seminars organized by RCC Study Group Studies on Life and Human Dignity were held at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Both seminars gathered ...
    • Positive and negative experiences related to doctoral study conditions 

      Corcelles-Seuba, Mariona; Cano i Ortiz, Maria Isabel; Liesa, Eva; González-Ocampo, G.; Castelló, Montserrat (Higher Education Research & Development Volume 38, 2019, Issue 5, 2019-04)
      During their doctoral studies, students undergo an emotionally and intellectually intensive process involving a wide range of positive and negative experiences. This article analyses PhD students’ ...