Now showing items 1-20 of 383

    • Una tipologia de la violència. La responsabilitat del receptor en la construcció ètica dels mitjans de comunicació 

      Aran Ramspott, Sue (Tripodos, núm. 6, 1998, 1998)
      Approaching television violence requires a conceptual and methodological review of the research dedicated to this topic, a review which obliges us to redefine the concept of violence itself and to observe ...
    • Violència i televisió. Criteris per a l'elaboració d'un mètode d'anàlisi qualitativa 

      Aran Ramspott, Sue; Barata Villar, Francesc; Busquet i Duran, Jordi; Medina-Bravo, Pilar (Quaderns del CAC, núm. 8, 2001, 2001)
    • Los imaginarios violentos 

      Aran Ramspott, Sue (Sphera Publica, núm. 3, 2003, 2003)
      El artículo pretende reflexionar sobre la representación de la violencia en los media y su instrumentalización como imaginario colectivo. El artículo se divide en cuatro apartados. En primer lugar se ...
    • Childhood, Violence and Television: Television Use and Childhood Perception of Violence in Television 

      Aran Ramspott, Sue; Barata Villar, Francesc; Busquet i Duran, Jordi; Medina-Bravo, Pilar; Morón Sompolinsky, Silvia (Tripodos, Extra, 2023, 2003)
      This report presents the main results attained in a study carried out in 2001 by the Violence and Television Research Group at the Blanquerna College of Communication Science dealing with the use of ...
    • Tucídides, la sofística, George W. Bush i la retòrica 

      Franch, Pere (Tripodos, núm. 15, 2003, 2003)
      Plato maintains that the sophist practices the art of persuasion,an art which attempts, by use of rhetoric, only to convince the listener, without seeking either justice or virtue in the process. ...
    • Retòrica i publicitat. Apunts sobre criteris comuns 

      Altarriba Sensada, Miquel (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      Aristotelian pragmatics recommends that, in the exordia, one should expose the facts, while in the epilogue, one should summarize the arguments. Here we can recognize tools that are clearly those of ...
    • Publicitat i contracultura 

      Sabaté López, Joan; Rom Rodríguez, Josep A. (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      Des del naixement dels moviments avantguardistes del segle XX, entre les avantguardes i la publicitat hi va haver una fructífera influència mútua. És evident que les avantguardes tenen una necessitat ...
    • (In)justicia digital 

      Micó, Josep-Lluís (Trípodos, núm. 19, 2006, 2006)
      When courts administer justice, they are making decisions of a political nature. The sentences pronounced by judges and magistrates help to configure the framework of harmonious coexistence en the society ...
    • Incidencia de los estilos de vida en la publicidad y el marketing 

      Pérez Navarro, Pilar,; Solanas García, Isabel (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      In recent decades, the concept of life-style has been an object of interest for advertising and marketing because of its intimate relationship with the buying behavior and consumption of individuals. ...
    • De l’auge de la història com a notícia 

      Peralta Mas, Miquel, (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      This articles seeks reasons to explain the unusually high number of historical programs, particularly about the history of catalonia, in the mass media. It attempts to demonstrate that there are specific ...
    • Eugeni Xammar: un superperiodista sobrevolant el futur 

      Canosa i Farran, Francesc (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2006)
      Eugeni Xammar is the most international journalist that Catalonia has ever had. He lived a good part of his life abroad working for all kinds of mass media and political entities. War correspondent ...
    • Les cartes al director són cartes privades 

      Pastor Pérez, Lluís (Trípodos, núm. 19, 2006, 2006)
      This article attempts to give the lie to one of the funda mental prejudices held about the letters to the editor throughout the decades in the manuals of journalism. This misperception states that the ...
    • La música en los estudios de Comunicación Audiovisual. Prospecciones y estado de la cuestión 

      Radigales, Jaume; Fraile Prieto, Teresa (Trípodos, núm. 19, 2006, 2006)
      Researches about communication can’t deny music, from sociologist, anthopological or aesthetics perspectives, above all because audio-visual means serve to spread of musical products in the context of ...
    • La sombra de una d(e)uda: publicitarios y cineastas 

      de Felipe Allué, Fernando, (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      Parallel in time though always tending towards esthetic convergence and narrative hybridization, the history of the cinema and the history of advertising continue, against all predictions, to mutually ...
    • “Match Point” i la filosofia de primers de segle 

      Tresserras Majó, Miquel, (Trípodos, núm. 19, 2006, 2006)
      In the hands of certain ‘auteurs’ such as Bresson, Passolini, Allen, Lynch or Von Trier, the cinema addressed to the public at large presents stories from which topics emerge which are raised above ...
    • La tematització i personalització de la informació digitalitzada i el seu impacte en la formació d’opinió pública 

      Alvaro Vidal, Francesc Marc; Sáez Mateu, Ferran; Risquete, Jaume; Carbonell Abelló, Josep Maria (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      The social, cultural and political impact of the process of topicalization and personalization of digitalized information constitutes, in itself, a serious methodological problem, given the enormous ...
    • Telebasura y publicidad 

      Curto Gordo, Víctor; Solanas García, Isabel (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      What is the relationship between trash TV and advertising? What sort of audience does trash TV generate from the perspective of advertising analysis? Does trash TV threaten the classic model of the ...
    • La metamediación: el primer paso para una gestión de las audiencias 

      Pastor Pérez, Lluís (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2007)
      The mass communication media have traditionally mediated between their news sources and their audience or readership. The public in this paradigm has assumed an ever more passive role. The new communication ...
    • Josep Pla, periodisme i patriotisme 

      Vila, Enric, 1972- (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2007)
      The journalistic work of Josep Pla cannot be understood without the context of his commitment to the landscape where he was born and the people who speak his language. From an early age, Pla expressed ...
    • L’opinió pública a la societat de la teleporqueria 

      Toutain, Ferran (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      The expression “trash TV” is commonly used in reference to a kind of TV program strongly characterized by sensationalism, manipulation of facts and bad taste. No matter how suitable that label is, it ...