Les cartes al director són cartes privades
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This article attempts to give the lie to one of the funda mental prejudices held about the letters to the editor
throughout the decades in the manuals of journalism.
This misperception states that the letters to the editor are
public letters, given that they are published. The letters to
the editor are, from the point of view of historical analy sis and, above all, from the analysis of the letter as a text,
private letters, not public ones. This is a type of private
letter, which, through their use by the figure of the editor
of a newspaper, are brought to the eyes of the public. The
importance of this perspective lies in the degree of truth
contained in the letters to the editor, which makes them
a journalistic piece of the first order, the fruit of the par ticipation of readers in newspapers and magazines. The
letters form small storerooms of truth.
Document Type
Published version
Subject (CDU)
070 - Newspapers. The Press. Journalism
Cartes al director
Diaris--Seccions, columnes, etc.
17 p.
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna
Is part of
Trípodos, núm. 19, 2006
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