Mostrando ítems 2961-2980 de 3876

    • Dietary patterns and CVD: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies 

      Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Flores Mateo, Gemma; Sànchez i Ruiz, Emília (British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 114, núm. 9, 2015-09)
      Epidemiological studies show that diet is linked to the risk of developing CVD. The objective of this meta-analysis was to estimate the association between empirically derived dietary patterns and CVD. ...
    • Assessment of the impact of a clinical and health services research call in Catalonia 

      Adam, Paula; Solans, Maite; Pons, Joan M. V.; Aymerich, Marta, 1968-; Berra, Silvina; Guillamón, Imma; Sànchez i Ruiz, Emília; Permanyer Miralda, G. (Research Evaluation, vol. 21, núm. 4, p. 319-328, 2012-10)
      This article presents the ex-post assessment of a program of clinical and health services research and the evaluation of the social impact. The Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment, and ...
    • Effectiveness of a primary care-based intervention to reduce sitting time in overweight and obese patients (SEDESTACTIV): a randomized controlled trial; rationale and study design 

      Martín-Borràs, Carme; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Martínez, Elena; Martín-Cantera, Carlos; Puigdoménech, Elisa; Solà-Gonfaus, Mercè; Castillo, Eva; Beltrán, Angela Ma; Puig-Ribera, Anna; Trujillo, José-Manuel; Pueyo, Olga; Pueyo, Javier; Rodríguez, Beatriz; Serra Payà, Noemí (BMC Public Health (2014) 14:228, 2014)
      Background There is growing evidence suggesting that prolonged sitting has negative effects on people’s weight, chronic diseases and mortality. Interventions to reduce sedentary time can be an effective ...
    • Análisis cinesiológico de un gesto habitual en enfermería: comparación con un gesto alternativo 

      Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Germán Romero, Ana; Guitart, Sílvia; Sánchez, Pau (Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, vol. 5, núm. 3. p. 83-101, 2002-09)
      Estudiar cinemática y cinéticamente un gesto habitual en el personal de enfermería y auxiliar de un centro sociosanitario, para identificar riesgos de lesión lumbar. Estudiar cinemática y cinéticamente ...
    • Gestión de la privacidad de los perfiles de Facebook de adolescentes 

      Chamarro Lusar, Andrés; Bertran Martí, Enric; Oberst, Ursula; Torres-Rodríguez, Alexandra (Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 2016, Núm. 48, 2016)
      Este estudio analiza el estilo de privacidad en Facebook. Participaron 373 alumnos de entre 13 y 17 años que respondieron a un cuestionario sobre la privacidad en Facebook. Emergieron tres patrones de ...
    • Potencialidades y limitaciones de la pizarra digital interactiva: una revisión crítica de la literatura 

      Gandol Casado, Ferran; Carrillo Alvarez, Elena; Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel (Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 2012, Núm. 40, 2012)
      Este artículo analiza las potencialidades y limitaciones de la PDI, focalizando en las siguientes categorías de investigación: (1)contexto, (2)formación, (3)método y (4)uso de la PDI por parte del ...
    • Therapeutic implications of selecting the SCORE (European) versus the D'AGOSTINO (American) risk charts for cardiovascular risk assessment in hypertensive patients 

      Gómez Marcos, Manuel A.; Martínez-Salgado, Carlos; Martín Cantera, Carlos; Recio Rodriguez, José I.; Castaño-Sánchez, Yolanda; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano; García Ortiz, Luís (BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2009), 9:17, 2009)
      Background No comparisons have been made of scales estimating cardiovascular mortality and overall cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The study objectives were to assess the agreement between the ...
    • Fostering innovation in social work and social education degrees: multilingual environment and tools for social change 

      Riberas, Gisela; Rosa, Genoveva; Leal Cavalcante, Maria Tereza (International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Vol. 13, núm. 31 (2016), 2016-10-03)
      The article presents an innovative educative experience in higher education in Spain that combines methodology, content and new technologies in a multilingual environment. It presents an experience of ...
    • Efectos del entrenamiento vibratorio en personas físicamente activas: revisión sistemática 

      Fort Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Romero Rodríguez, Daniel; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Bagur Calafat, Caritat; Girabent i Farrès, Montserrat; Lloret Riera, Mario (Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte , 2011, vol. 11, núm. 43, 2011-09)
      El objetivo principal de esta revisión sistemática es determinar la evidencia actual sobre los efectos del EV, producidos a largo plazo, sobre el rendimiento físico en población físicamente activa. La ...
    • Whole‐body vibration training for patients with neurodegenerative disease 

      Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Rigau Comas, David; Fort Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Santoyo Medina, Carmen; Roqué i Figuls, Lluís; Romero Rodríguez, Daniel; Bonfill, X. (Xavier) (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2012, Issue 2, Art. No.: CD009097, 2012-02)
      Background Whole‐body vibration (WBV) may be a complementary training to standard physical rehabilitation programmes and appears to have potential benefits in the sensorimotor system performance of ...
    • The Efficacy of the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) approach in stroke rehabilitation to improve basic activities of daily living and quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol 

      Guiu-Tula, Francesc Xavier; Cabanas Valdés, Rosa María; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Urrútia Cuchí, Gerard; Gómara i Toldrà, Natàlia (BMJ Open, 2017, vol. 7:e016739, 2017-12)
      Introduction Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) is a widely used rehabilitation concept, although its efficacy has not yet been demonstrated in stroke survivors. The aim of this systematic ...
    • Global dwelling: Intertwining Research, Community participation and Pedagogy 

      Madrazo Agudín, Leandro; Alkışer Bregger, Yasemin; Bondars, Edgars; Arkar, Ciril; Boschi, Filippo; Bratuškins, Uģis; Charalambous, Nadia; Brito Guterres, António; Csanádi, Gábor; Diaconu, Adriana; Csizmady, Adrienne; Diamandi, Joana; Domjan, Suzana; Duarte, Paulette; Fernández Prajoux, Viviana; Evans, Adam; Fryk, Lasse; Herda, Gregor; Hadjri, Karim; Marques Pereira, Sandra; Marina, Ognen; Martín Cojo, Ángel; Medved, Sašo; Neijenhuis, Laura; Oluremi Durosaiye, Isaiah; Moreira Rato, Vasco; Paio, Alexandra; Rivera, Omayra; Papa, Dorina; Roche, Jim; Sentieri, Carla; Steinø, Nicolai; Stenberg, Jenny; Zinoski, Mihajlo; Zwanenburg, Maria; Treija, Sandra (2017)
      This book summarizes the work carried out by OIKONET, an Erasmus Network project dedicated to promoting pedagogic innovation in the field of housing studies which was carried out from 2013 to 2016 with ...
    • Diseño y aplicación de talleres educativos para el uso saludable de internet y redes sociales en la adolescencia: descripción de un estudio piloto 

      Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel; Torres-Rodríguez, Alexandra; Oberst, Ursula; Carbonell, Xavier (Píxel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 2018, Núm. 52, 2018)
      En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo e implementación de unos talleres educativos para adolescentes que fomentan el uso adaptativo de Internet y de las redes sociales. El buen uso de las redes ...
    • Everything is Interrelated: Teaching Software Engineering for Sustainability 

      Penzenstadler, Birgit; Betz, Stefanie; Venters, Colin C.; Chitchyan, Ruzanna; Porras, Jari; Seyff, Norbert; Duboc, Leticia; Becker, Christoph (Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), 2018-06)
      Sustainability has become an important concern across many disciplines,and software systems play an increasingly central role in addressing it. However, teaching students from software engineering and ...
    • Raising funds: entrepreneurs and investors negotiate an amount to invest and and ownership percentage 

      Olivé Tomàs, Antoni; Cuadros, Jordi; González Sabaté, Lucinio; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; Jolonch, Xavier (International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol.6, no.5 (2015) p.97-112, 2015-05)
      This paper summarizes the results of an activity which consisted of two parts: 1) the calculation of the value of a new venture and the funds needed during its first years of operation (simulation) and ...
    • Identificación de las principales competencias necesarias para el uso profesional de la estadística aplicada en ADE 

      Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; González Sabaté, Lucinio (Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació, núm.2 (2014), 2014)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las competencias para el uso profesional de la Estadística que son más valoradas para optar a un puesto de trabajo. Para ello se ha utilizado una metodología ...
    • Whole body vibration for older persons: an open randomized, multicentre, parallel, clinical trial 

      Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Martínez Zapata, Mª José; Fort Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Rey Abella, Ferran; Romero Rodríguez, Daniel; Bonfill, X. (Xavier) (BMC Geriatrics, 2011, vol. 11, núm. 89, 2011-12)
      Background Institutionalized older persons have a poor functional capacity. Including physical exercise in their routine activities decreases their frailty and improves their quality of life. Whole-body ...
    • Answering questions concisely: analysis of a Twitter activity in a management course 

      Olivé Tomàs, Antoni; Samper, Xavier; Cuadros, Jordi; Martori Adrian, Francesc de Paula; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol.182 (2015) p.179 – 186, 2015-05-13)
      This paper summarizes the results of an activity conducted on a management course using the Twitter microblogging service. Students were required to answer a question by sending a tweet and to favor ...
    • Propuesta didáctica para fomentar la capacidad de interpretación de datos en el contexto de la estadística aplicada 

      Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; González Sabaté, Lucinio; Martori Adrian, Francesc de Paula; Cuadros, Jordi (Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació, núm.3 (2016), 2016)
      La importancia de la interpretación de datos en el contexto de la estadística aplicada a la empresa ha servido de motivación para proponer una actividad docente que permita fomentarla. Esta actividad ...
    • Tracking the behavior of players in a finance simulation and identifying work patterns 

      Olivé Tomàs, Antoni; Carre, Marc; Cuadros, Jordi; González Sabaté, Lucinio; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol.182 (2015) p.197 – 202, 2015-05-13)
      This paper summarizes the results of using an Excel-based simulation run on a finance course. The activity intends to instruct the students that firms with a negative cash cycle and with negative working ...