DAU - Arxiu Digital de la URL: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 4298
Tracing emotional experiences and thewell-being during the pandemic throughdrawings by Spanish children
(Children and society, Vol. 39, núm. 1, 2025., 2024-08-12)The changes in emotions experienced during the pandemic and their effects on children's well-being remain a significant issue. This study analyses 86 drawings created by children aged 5–13, collected ... -
Short- and Long-Term Neurobehavioral Effects of Developmental Exposure to Valproic Acid in Zebrafish
(International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024;25(14):7688, 2024-07-13)Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, anxiety, hyperactivity, and interest restricted to specific subjects. ... -
Unravelling the Antifibrinolytic Mechanism of Action of the 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives
(International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024;25(13):7002, 2024-06-26)A new family of antifibrinolytic drugs has been recently discovered, combining a triazole moiety, an oxadiazolone, and a terminal amine. Two of the molecules of this family have shown activity that is ... -
Hip range of motion and strength in young pre-professionals ballet dancers versus non-dancers
(Journal of dance medicine and science, 2024, Sep 14:1089313X241281642, 2024-09)Introduction: Lower-extremity external rotation, commonly known as turnout, is a fundamental skill in dance. Limited data exist regarding joint range of motion and strength in pre-professional young ... -
Applying Molecular Modeling to the Design of Innovative, Non-Symmetrical CXCR4 Inhibitors with Potent Anticancer Activity
(International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024;25(17):9446, 2024-08-28)The identification of new compounds with potential activity against CXC chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) has been broadly studied, implying several chemical families, particularly AMD3100 derivatives. ... -
Developing reflective competence between simulation and clinical practice through a learning transference model: a qualitative study
(Nurse Education Today, 2020, 92: 104520, 2020-09)Objective This study sought to understand the effects of a pedagogical resource combining a multi-moment debriefing model with reflective journaling that is designed to develop reflective competence. ... -
Assessing the pharmaceutical residues as hotspots of the main rivers of Catalonia, Spain
(Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2024;31:44080–44095, 2024-06-26)The global increase in pharmaceutical consumption, driven by factors such as aging populations and chronic diseases, has raised concerns regarding the environmental impact of pharmaceutical contaminants. ... -
Learning Analytics Dashboards for Assessing Remote Labs Users' Work: A Case Study with VISIR-DB
(Technology, Knowledge and Learning 2024, 2024)In science and engineering education, remote laboratories are designed to bring ubiquity to experimental scenarios, by having real laboratories operated through the Internet. Despite that remote ... -
Ópera en pantalla: del cine al streaming
(2019)Cuando las primeras pantallas mostraron la mirada cinematográfica de los pioneros del séptimo arte, la ópera llevaba ya tres siglos de andadura. Es posible que el arte de masas en que se convirtió el ... -
Radicalisation and radicalism: the double face of prejudice in the Spanish case of the Neo-Nazi group Hogar Social (2014–2019)
(Journal of Contemporary European Studies, vol. 32, núm. 3, 2024, 2024)By differentiating radicalisation as a process from radicalism as a movement, this situated study examines the Spanish youth group Hogar Social’s frame-work and core action through the analytical method ... -
A lifestyle intervention with an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet and physical activity enhances HDL function: a substudy of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized controlled trial
(The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2021, 114(5): 1666-1674, 2021-11)Background Consumption of a Mediterranean diet, adequate levels of physical activity, and energy-restricted lifestyle interventions have been individually associated with improvements in HDL functions. ... -
Exploring nurses’ experiences: Abandoning the profession and migrating for improved opportunities
(Applied nursing research, 2024, 77: 151787, 2024-06)Aim This study explores nurses' experiences in migration for employment and professional abandonment in Barcelona (Spain). Methods Employing a mixed-design approach comprising 1) a qualitative ... -
STAT6 mutations enriched at diffuse large B-cell lymphoma relapse reshape the tumor microenvironment
(International Journal of Hematology. 2024;119:275–290, 2024-01-29)Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) relapses in approximately 40% of patients following frontline therapy. We reported that STAT6D419 mutations are enriched in relapsed/refractory DLBCL (rrDLBCL) ... -
Validation of micro-strategies in the NetEdu Tool: a tool to connect educational ecosystems
(Cultura y educación, Vol. 33(3), 2021, p. 455-485, 2021)This study presents the validation of the final phase of the NetEdu Tool, an online tool targeted at promoting the social capital of networks of educational and social organizations in a region. The ... -
Exploring educational ecosystems: insights from the implementation of SchoolWeavers tool in Catalonia
(International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1–19 (2024), 2024-10)Education has undergone significant changes, leading to more complex and collaborative approaches that recognize schools as ecosystems where diverse stakeholders interact. Consequently, new processes ... -
Letting Diasporic Voices Be Heard: Refugees and Migrants in European Media
(The Ecumenical Review, vol. 71, núm. 1-2, 2019, 2019)More than 68.5 million people were forced to move from their countries, according to the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, in 2018. Forced displacements are caused by poverty, war, and lack of safety. Since ... -
Narrativas transmedia para el arte contemporáneo: interactivos y automatización
(Redes sociales, tecnologías digitales y narrativas interactivas en la sociedad de la información / coord. por Javier Sierra Sánchez, José María Lavín de la Cavada, 2019)Las narrativas transmedia se presentan como una excelente herramienta para la comunicación en el arte. Es más sencillo llegar a un target más amplio cuando cuentas con contenidos distribuidos en diferentes ... -
Empowering organisational commitment through digital transformation capabilities: The role of digital leadership and a continuous learning environment
(Information Systems Journal. 2024;34(5):1466–1492, 2024-12-24)Although research has shown that leveraging technologies and creating a new organisational identity are critical to staying competitive in a digital business environment, these assumptions have focused ... -
Evaluation of the biodegradability of hazardous industrial solid waste: Study of key parameters
(Journal of Environmental Quality. 2024;53:1164–1175, 2024-09-18)The biological stability of solid waste is one of the main problems related to the environmental impact of landfills and their long-term emission potential. Current European legislation (European Landfill ...