Treballs de l'alumnat: TFG i TFM: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1121-1140 of 1149
La búsqueda del equilibro emocional
(2015-10-20)The purpose of this project is to facilitate the functional recovery of affected people of bipolar disorder type I and II . Through studies it has become evident the advantages of combining medical and ... -
Educació Social en el procés de dol per una pèrdua: Gent gran en l’àmbit residencial
(2015-10-20)This work is a theoretical deepening about the mourning process in the elderly in the retirement home and an interpretation of how it is addressed from the Social Education. The project has as a general ... -
L'afectivitat en el vincle professional en entorns residencials, configuració i gestió
(2015-09-09)L'afectivitat en el vincle professional en entorns residencials, configuració i gestió La recerca gira al voltant de l'afecte i les emocions; del món emocional que impregna cada racó de nosaltres i ... -
El sentit de l’alteritat en l’àmbit socioeducatiu.
(2015-05-07)The human being needs the other to constitute his identity and to fulfill his essence: being loved. In the postmodern society, this relationship of interdependence has been underestimated and replaced ... -
La pérdida de la vivienda en la actualidad y las respuestas innovadoras desde el trabajo social
(2015-10-07)This essay will be a theoretycal analysis of housing lost in the context of current realities and an examination of the intervention and prevention programmes implemented from the Social Work perspective ... -
“TODOS FAZEMOS UM” Projecte d’Inclusió Social a Montes Claros (Brasil)
(2015-10-07)The project designs an inclusive self-learning system with people with functional diversity in the daily activities of the “Fé e Algeria Montes Claros” Foundation, Minas Gerais, Brasil. The inclusive ... -
Políticas familiares comparadas: los casos de Francia y Alemania
(2015-10-07)This comparative study aims to examine the family policies adopted in Germany and France, and more specifically, those which are addressed to increase the birth rate. Both countries have the same Welfare ... -
Identitat i cultura professional en l’Educació Social
(2015-10-07)The aim of this exploratory analysis research is to know the opinion of the Spanish social workers on four important interesting topics for the profession: the value conflict management, the identity, ... -
Diseño de un proyecto de intervención socioeducativa “Tenim un viatge” Educación en valores mediante el juego con alumnos/as de ciclo medio de primaria de la escola Vedruna Àngels
(2015-09-28)The following intervention programme of society and education aims for the education in values with students. This programme provides support to the first cycle of primary of Escola Vedruna Àngels, an ... -
Projecte d’intervenció “Trencant barreres per créixer junts”
(2015-09-28)Aquest projecte elabora una intervenció socioeducativa per a les mares i els seus fills o filles, que estan complint condemna en el Centre Penitenciari de Dones de Barcelona durant tres mesos. Aquest ... -
Chinese tourism and its effects on the Hospitality Industry in Barcelona
(2015-07-20)The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of the development of China and its increasing outbound tourism on the hospitality industry in Barcelona. In addition, it is aimed to collect data ... -
Treball de recerca aplicada a la intervenció social entorn els joves d'Andorra i el seu temps lliure
(2014-07-23)Este documento se fundamenta de acuerdo con diferentes teorías y pensamientos sobre la importancia del tiempo libre en los adolescentes y jóvenes, así como a partir de las experiencias de Cataluña, en ... -
Les arts plàstiques com a cura pal·liativa a l'etapa final de la vida
(2014-07-24)Aquest projecte pretén fer una proposta d’intervenció d’arts plàstiques a unitats de cures pal·liatives amb malalts terminals. Per tal d’acompanyar la dimensió espiritual de la persona que està passant ... -
L’educador/a social com a tècnic/a d'orientació i inserció laboral, en el marc de la formació reglada. Proposta de creació d’un servei d’orientació i inserció laboral.
(2014-07-24)Analysis into the role of the social educator as an orientation and labour insertion adviser with the young people collective and a consideration about the way the social educator can develop his or her ... -
Treball social i responsabilitat social corporativa, reflexions i sinergies. Explorant noves perspectives de participació.
(2014-07-24)Companies, as part of a community, are responsibles for it and its social reality. The accions they take on are not neutral, they generate reactions that should be previewed in order to get a common ... -
La descoberta del Jo. Programa individualitzat per a la incorporació social PINS
(2014-07-24)Self-awareness, motivation, empathy, emotional regulation and social skills are five skills that make up the self-knowledge, the latter being the basic skill to confront the challenge of living since ... -
Fortalecimiento de valores comunitarios en los niños y niñas de primaria de la comunidad Nuevo Horizonte de Guatemala
(2014-07-24)The goal of the project is to strengthen the community values for the children attending Primary school in Nuevo Horizonte Guatemala. Its purpose, in a first stage, is to reinforce their community ... -
Anàlisi del recurs pilot "cases d'infants: nou paradigma d'atenció i tractament a la infància i l'adolescència".
(2014-07-24)The work presented below is an applied research, consisting in a descriptive analysis of a sample of children and teens aged 5 to 19 attending in the “Cases d’Infants” project from December 2010 to July, ... -
Proyecto de inserción sociolaboral centro penitenciario de Pamplona
(2014-07-24)This intervention programme is based on the development and plan of a social and labour insertion programme, applied to a real case in a prison in Pamplona; the target population is a group of inmates ... -
Ansiedad, adolescentes y actividades físicas i deportivas
(2014-07-10)This project aims to tackle special needs that teenagers can have in day hospitals, that is to say, help them reduce their high level of anxiety. The project is based on the practice of several physical ...