Treballs de l'alumnat: TFG i TFM: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1141-1149 of 1149
La renda mínima d'inserció: una eina útil d’inserció social en el món local
(2014-07-10)The current crisis has compounded the socio-economic situation of many people and families, becoming an ever more complex social reality. This new context has led this new group of people to ask for ... -
Modelo tradicional de cooperación al desarrollo: análisis crítico y propuesta de alternativas. El caso de la “Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament”
(2014-07-09)This study analyzes the critiques and alternatives, made and proposed, to traditional model of cooperation and development in the last years. Furthermore, it approaches to a case study, “Agència Catalana ... -
La mort en el món actual i el seu tracte des del treball social
(2014-07-09)This paper is a theoretical deepening about death in the world today and an analysis on how death is managed through the Social Work. Death is part of life and we live in a society that denies it. Through ... -
Cohesió social, alimentació i immigració
(2013-10-23)The general aim of the project is to describe communitarian activities related to eating and social cohesion. The specific objective of the project is to collect good practices of non-profit organizations ... -
La resiliència
(2013-10-17)This essay is a theoretical work on resilience, a novel concept in the socials sciences that invites you to take a new view of specific situations, a change of perspective that guides us to reinforce ... -
Gènere no normatiu i formació en el grau en treball social
(2013-10-08)This report describes in detail the fundamental elements of our research on the gender contents in the curriculum of the Social Work degree offered at three Catalan universities. This research is based ... -
Pla de Màrqueting de la Fundació Surt
(2013-07-01) -
Projecte d’intervenció Compartim i participem per créixer junts.
(2013-06-20)The project interventionobject of this work will be developed in the town of Palau Solità iPlegamans, specifically with the group of children with 3 to 6 years and their parents.The town hall commissioned ...