Chinese tourism and its effects on the Hospitality Industry in Barcelona
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The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of the development of China and its increasing outbound tourism on the hospitality industry in Barcelona. In addition, it is aimed to collect data regarding Chinese tourists’ opinions in order to provide recommendations on how the city should adapt its products and services to satisfy Chinese tourists’ expectations, and to become an attractive destination for this new target.
The opening of China to the world and the increasing amount of its outbound tourism, considering the size of the county’s population, means a massive movement of people that together with the Chinese travelling preferences, will have an important impact on the products and services that those destinations receiving Chinese tourists should offer. Consequently, major touristic cities like Barcelona have to be adapted and well positioned to receive this new type of tourists in order to reach their expectations and satisfy their needs and wants.
The analysis of the different methods applied to this field of study follows a positivism research philosophy. This research is structured, formal and detailed. Large samples of data collection are applied through using instruments such as questionnaires. In addition, throughout this dissertation project, knowledge is constructed by using a deductive research approach as already known information is used.
By analyzing the data that has been collected, it is shown that some of the moments of truth that Chinese tourists go through when visiting Barcelona are not matching their previous expectations. Therefore, the analysis of the research samples leads to the main conclusion that many aspects of the city and its products and services should be adapted to satisfy Chinese tourist’s needs and wants in order to provide better experiences and consequently, be more
Attractive to this new and increasingly important market.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
114 p.
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