Recerca: Recent submissions
Now showing items 741-760 of 3232
Simulation Approach for Hydrophobicity Replication via Injection Molding
(Polymers, 2021-06-23)Nanopattern replication of complex structures by plastic injection is a challenge that requires simulations to define the right processing parameters. Previous work managed to simulate replication for ... -
Rasgos de personalidad y burnout en médicos de familia
(Atención Primaria, Vol. 27. Núm. 7. 30 de abril 2001, 2001-04)Objetivo. Investigar los rasgos de personalidad que podrían asociarse con puntuaciones altas en las escalas de burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory) en médicos de atención primaria. Diseño. Estudio ... -
School head teachers' views of the drive towards educational innovation in Catalonia
(Cultura y educación, Vol. 31, 2019, p. 640-670, 2019-08)Today, educational change and innovation are a clear priority in educational centres across the world. This article analyses the strengths and opportunities presented by the process of educational ... -
Viure en digital: Com eduquem per al món d’avui
(2022-02)La transformació digital genera oportunitats, pero tambe amenaces, com ara una societat mal preparada per al futur. L'educació pot beneficiar-se de l'obertura de les aules, d'experiencies i projectes ... -
Learning basic employability competence: a challenge for the active labour insertion of adolescents in residential care in their transition to adulthood
(European Journal of Social Work, Vol.17, Núm.2,2014, pàg. 252-265., 2014-03-15)The teaching of basic employability competence from a very early age is of preventive value in the young people in residential care transition to adulthood. Research relates employability competence ... -
El trabajo en red: más allá de una estrategia de coordinación profesional
(Redes para la inclusión social y educativa, pàg. 281-293, 2021-06)Este capítulo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada en Castell-Platja d’Aro (Girona) centrada en el análisis del trabajo en red desarrollado en el municipio. Se trata de un modelo de ... -
Successful experiences in supporting the inwardness and spirituality of children and adolescents
(International Journal of Children's Spirituality, Vol. 28, Núm. 2, 2023, pàg. 76-93, 2023-03-30)This paper analyses professional approaches to supporting the spirituality of children and adolescents in vulnerable situation, in the daily life of socio-educational centres. A concurrent mixed method ... -
La interacció escolar des de la perspectiva coeducativa
(Guix, Núm. 489 (juny 2022), p. 65, 2022-06)La coeducació és l’eina més eficaç per promoure la igualtat d’oportunitats en els aprenentatges. Les competències bàsiques estan formades per quatre components: factuals, conceptuals, pro- cedimentals ... -
Efficacy of capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency in the physiotherapeutic treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
(Trials, 2021, 22, 356, 2021-05)Background Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is a multifactorial disorder that affects 5.7% to 26.6% of women and 2.2% to 9.7% of men, characterized by hypersensitivity of the central and peripheral ... -
Pharmacogenetic influences on the response to pharmacological treatment in autism spectrum disorders
(Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics, 2021, 5:278-287, 2021-07)Aim: About a third of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) receive pharmacological treatment for comorbid symptoms. However, 30%-50% do not respond adequately and/or present severe and long-lasting ... -
Psicoterapias humanistas: Una mirada actual
(2022-02)En este libro se hace un recorrido por las psicoterapias humanistas que, en el extenso mapa de las psicoterapias, han significado: a) la capacidad para romper los esquemas vigentes sobre la concepción ... -
Implementation and evaluation of nonclinical interventions for appropriate use of cesarean section in low- and middleincome countries: protocol for a multisite hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III trial
(Implementation Science, 2020, 15:72, 2020-09)Background While cesarean sections (CSs) are a life-saving intervention, an increasing number are performed without medical reasons in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Unnecessary CS diverts ... -
Respiratory function in patients post-infection by COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis
(Pulmonology, 2021, 27(4): 328-337, 2021-08)Background: Evidence suggests lungs as the organ most affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The literature on previous coronavirus infections reports that patients may experience persistent ... -
Experiences, emotional responses, and coping skills of nursing students as auxiliary health workers during the peak COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study
(International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2021, 30: 1080–1092, 2021-04)The COVID-19 crisis in Spain has exacerbated the shortage of nursing staff torespond to increasing healthcare demands. For this reason, nursing students were requested tocollaborate voluntarily as ... -
Impacto social del Covid persistente: de la incredulidad a la incertidumbre
(El camino hacia las sociedades inclusivas, pàg. 638-655, 2022) -
Plurilingualism and using languages to learn languages: a sequential approach to deal effectively with language diversity
(Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 2021, vol. 15, n.1, 42-51, 2021)After years of controversy and terminological debate, the plurilingual approach is now well accepted by language teaching communities. Still, doubts concerning how the plurilingual approach can shape ... -
Mechanical performance of 3D-printed biocompatible polycarbonate for biomechanical applications
(Polymers. Vol.13, n.21 (2021), 3669, 2021-10-25)Additive manufacturing has experienced remarkable growth in recent years due to the customisation, precision, and cost savings compared to conventional manufacturing techniques. In parallel, materials ... -
Switching codes in the plurilingual classroom
(ELT Journal,, 2016)The English as a foreign language classroom is a plurilingual setting par aexcellence since it involves at least two languages. However, plurilingual practices such as code-switching and translation ... -
Espiritualidad y educación social
(2013-10) -
Obrint portes a l’ús autèntic de l’anglès: Els moments quotidians a l’escola
(Guix d'Infantil, Num. 78 (nov./des. 2014), p. 31-35, 2014-11)En aquest article, s’hi presenta una proposta d’introducció de l’anglès a l’educació infantil que vol ser coherent amb les característiques i les necessitats de l’etapa, a més d’efectiva en el paper ...