Recerca: Recent submissions
Now showing items 521-540 of 3189
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mood and family relationships of runners
(Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 15, 2024, 2024-04)Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the mood of amateur runners and on their relationships with their partners and families. Methods: Adult runners ... -
Facing the COVID-19: A qualitative research on the impact of the pandemic on autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
(European Psychiatry , Volume 64 , Special Issue S1: Abstracts of the 29th European Congress of Psychiatry , April 2021 , pp. S289, 2021-04)Introduction Lockdown resulting from the experienced pandemic has had a great influence on the emotional and social well-being of the general population. Specifically, it is known that those with an ... -
Atender la dimensión espiritual de la persona en los centros socioeducativos
(La Pedagogía Social en un entorno VICA ¿viejos problemas, nuevas perspectivas?: Comunicaciones y Conclusiones, pàg. 15-18, 2019-11) -
Hanging tough: post-PhD researchers dealing with career uncertainty
(Higher Education Research & Development, 38:7, 1489-1503, 2019-10)This study examines the impact of career uncertainty on post-PhD researchers’ experiences. Drawing on an identity-trajectory approach and a qualitative design, we analysed experiences of post-PhDs from ... -
Changes in attitudes and willingness to use co-teaching through pre-service teacher training experiences
(Professional Development in Education, 46(5), 770-779, 2019)Although the benefits of co-teaching are emphasised in the literature, implementing it is still problematic. Teacher training is necessary to change attitudes and encourage its use, but training alone ... -
Escribir textos argumentativos de forma cooperativa: una herramienta para promover el conocimiento
(Aula de Inovación educativa. 175, 33-35, 2008, 2008-10)A continuación, describimos una experiencia de escritura cooperativa para promover la argumentación y el aprendizaje en el dominio de la filosofía. Entendemos que escribir de forma cooperativa es una ... -
Gender equality policies in higher education and research: best practices and future challenges of the women in science committee of Catalonia
(11th European conference on gender equality in higher education, pàg. 186-187, 2021) -
Patologia dual: definició, història i recursos
(Educació social. Revista d’intervenció socioeducativa, 2020, Núm. 75, p. 77-92, 2020-06-09)Actualment es considera el trastorn per ús de substàncies (TUS) com una tipologia de trastorn mental, això no obstant, al llarg de l’article es reflecteixen els conceptes de salut mental i de drogodependències ... -
Death with dignity. A polisemic approach
(Puyol, J.M. (Coord.) (2021). Human dignity and law. Studies on the dignity of human life (pp. 289-299). Tirant Lo Blanc, 2021)On the 22nd of June 2018 a seminar organized by RCC Study Group ¨Studies on Life and Human Dignity¨ was held at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). The Seminar New Challenges for Law: Human ... -
Dignity: A Philosophical approach
(Pujol, J.M. (Coord.) (2020). New Challenges for law: Studies on the dignity of human life, (pp. 27-35) Tirant Lo Blanc-Harvard, 2020)On the 3rd June 2016 and 22nd June 2018 two seminars organized by RCC Study Group Studies on Life and Human Dignity were held at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Both seminars gathered ... -
Positive and negative experiences related to doctoral study conditions
(Higher Education Research & Development Volume 38, 2019, Issue 5, 2019-04)During their doctoral studies, students undergo an emotionally and intellectually intensive process involving a wide range of positive and negative experiences. This article analyses PhD students’ ... -
Doctoral student perceptions of supervisory and research community support: their relationships with doctoral conditions and experiences
(Journal of Further and Higher Education, Volume 47, 2023, Issue 4, 2022-11)Social support is important for the successful completion of doctoral studies. The aim of this study was to explore how individual differences in supervisory and research community support are related ... -
Immunity and community in Esposito, Derrida and Agamben
(Revista de filosofía, 2023, 48(1): 93-112, 2023-01)Roberto Esposito (1998; 2002; 2008) examines how current immunological apparatuses originally designed to protect communities end up undermining the very body they sought to protect. By “immunological ... -
La Guía de seguimiento del Prácticum en enfermería, una estrategia de calidad
(Opción, 2015, vol. 31, núm. especial 3, p. 341-361, 2015-10)La formación práctica de los estudiantes supone una iniciación a la vida profesional. Poseer una guía de calidad en el seguimiento favorece el aprendizaje. Este artículo plantea una guía actualizada y ... -
Augmented reality training in basic life support with the help of smart glasses: a pilot study
(Resuscitation Plus, 2023, 14: 100391, 2023-04)Introduction: Laypeople should be trained in basic life support and traditional and innovative methodologies may help to obtain this goal. However, there is a knowledge gap about the ideal basic life ... -
El estereotipo de heroinómano" como chivo expiatorio del consumo de drogas normalizado: estigma y personas con drogodependencias
(RES: Revista de Educación Social, núm. 32, 2021, pàg. 424-446, 2021-02-17)La fiscalización de las drogas, apoyada por el modelo hegemónico prohibicionista, ha criminalizado y, en consecuencia, estigmatizado a sus consumidores. La finalidad de esta investigación es mostrar al ... -
Renovar la tradició: una nova manera de presentar les exposicions de pessebres
(Revista d’etnologia de Catalunya, 2021, Núm. 46, p. 279-289, 2021-12)Encara que sembli que la tradició i la innovació són dos conceptes oposats, veiem que totes les tradicions han evo-lucionat al llarg dels temps i s’han anat adaptant a la societat que les viu. El món ... -
Ethics and ProfessionalDeontology in Socio-educational Youth Work. Ethical limits of socio-educational work with young people in Europe and Latin America
(Working with Young People: A Social Pedagogy Perspective from Europe and Latin America, 2020-04-21)In recent years, socio-educational professions have experienced a qualitative leap in the development of their epistemological, scientific, and technical foundations. One important aspect of this is a ... -
La dignidad del tiempo. Interseccionalidad de género y privilegios en mujeres-madres-trabajadoras de clase media-alta
(RESET: Reflexiones antropológicas ante la pandemia de COVID-19, pàg. 117-120, 2020-09-20) -
Enseñar a escribir textos científico-académicos mediante la revisión colaborativa: El trabajo final de grado en Psicología
(REDU: Revista de docencia universitaria, 11(1), 79-104, 2013-04)En los últimos años, han sido abundantes las propuestas en contextos universitarios diseñadas para mejorar la alfabetización académica de los estudiantes pero pocas se han centrado en la enseñanza de ...