Recerca: Enviaments recents
Ara mostrant els elements 521-540 de 3202
Defining a competency framework for health and social professionals to promote healthy aging throughout the lifespan: an international Delphi study
(Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2024, 2024-03)The promotion of healthy aging has become a priority in most parts of the world and should be promoted at all ages. However, the baseline training of health and social professionals is currently not ... -
Additional Language Acquisition at Infant School: Integrating MORE than Content and ILanguage
(APAC ELT Journal, 2009, 2009)English is taught as an additional language in many schools at pre-pri mary level. Starting early alone, however, does not guarantee satisfying results in the long run. This is why it is necessary to ... -
Construcción de la Alianza Terapéutica en la terapia de pareja: estudio de un caso con dificultades de manejo terapéutico
(Anuario de psicología / The UB Journal of psychology, 2014, Vol. 44, Núm. 1, p. 95-115, 2014-04)Este estudio tiene como objetivo conocer cómo se construye y modula la alianza terapéutica en un caso de terapia de pareja que presentaba desde el inicio varios indicadores de dificultad de manejo ... -
European Respiratory Society statement on airway clearance techniques in adults with bronchiectasis
(European Respiratory Journal, 2023, 62(1): 2202053, 2023-07)Airway clearance techniques (ACTs) are part of the main management strategy for patients with bronchiectasis. Despite being a priority for patients, accessibility, implementation and reporting of ACTs ... -
From Male “Chance Narratives” to Female “Defeat Narratives”: Researchers in Catalonia Narrating the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on their Lives and Jobs
(Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, Volume 30, Issue 3, Fall 2023, Page 972, 2023-04)This article proposes a three-fold typology to classify the narratives of forty-eight researchers in Catalonia describing the impact the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic had on their professional and ... -
Future Housing Older People Project – HoOp_Focus : perspectiva dels usuaris
(2024-03)Les persones grans constitueixen una proporció important de la població mundial i es preveu que en les properes dècades la tendència sigui creixent. En aquest sentit, un dels principals desafiaments amb ... -
Report on the combat sports-related research at the 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science
(Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 18(2), 140–143., 2023-10)This short report describes the combat sports-related research presented at the 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), as well as the special session about this topic at ... -
The First alongside midwifery unit in Spain: a retrospective cohort study of maternal and neonatal outcomes
(Birth, 2023, 50:1057-1067, 2023-08)Background: Midwife-led units have been shown to be safer and reduce interventions for women at low risk of complications at birth. In 2017, the first alongside birth center was opened in Spain. The aim ... -
Service learning in the nursing bachelor thesis: a mixed-methods study
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19:12387, 2022-09)The Final Degree Project (FDP) is a module that, although intended for the completion of a bachelor thesis (BT), consists of theoretical and clinical teaching. Therefore, introducing service learning ... -
The Effect of writing a bachelor thesis on attitudes towards nursing research and development: a cross-sectional comparative study between students and professionals
(Nurse Education Today, 2022, 118: 105532, 2022-08)Research is essential to practice nursing and must be duly enhanced during university training. Therefore, writing a bachelor thesis may help to develop research skills and thus transfer this skill set ... -
Evidence of learning on the insertion and care of peripheral venous catheters in nursing students: a mixed study
(Nurse Education Today, 2021, 107: 105157, 2021-09)Objectives: 1) To assess nursing students' evidence-based knowledge on the use of PVCs, and 2) to examine the perception of learning and teaching strategies aimed at this skill. Background: Insertion ... -
Aprendizaje basado en problemas, estudio de casos y metodología tradicional: una experiencia concreta en el grado en enfermería
(Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, 196: 163-170, 2015-07)En tres grupos del Grado en Enfermería, se utilizaron las estrategias docentes: Aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP), estudio de casos y metodología tradicional para abordar el tema paciente oncológico. ... -
Uso responsable de Internet y seguridad digital: revisión sistemática de programas educativos
(Estudios Sobre Educación, 7, 2024-03)El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue analizar los programas educativos que abordan el uso responsable de Internet para gestionar los diversos retos y riesgos del espacio digital. Se utilizaron ... -
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mood and family relationships of runners
(Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 15, 2024, 2024-04)Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the mood of amateur runners and on their relationships with their partners and families. Methods: Adult runners ... -
Facing the COVID-19: A qualitative research on the impact of the pandemic on autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
(European Psychiatry , Volume 64 , Special Issue S1: Abstracts of the 29th European Congress of Psychiatry , April 2021 , pp. S289, 2021-04)Introduction Lockdown resulting from the experienced pandemic has had a great influence on the emotional and social well-being of the general population. Specifically, it is known that those with an ... -
Atender la dimensión espiritual de la persona en los centros socioeducativos
(La Pedagogía Social en un entorno VICA ¿viejos problemas, nuevas perspectivas?: Comunicaciones y Conclusiones, pàg. 15-18, 2019-11) -
Hanging tough: post-PhD researchers dealing with career uncertainty
(Higher Education Research & Development, 38:7, 1489-1503, 2019-10)This study examines the impact of career uncertainty on post-PhD researchers’ experiences. Drawing on an identity-trajectory approach and a qualitative design, we analysed experiences of post-PhDs from ... -
Changes in attitudes and willingness to use co-teaching through pre-service teacher training experiences
(Professional Development in Education, 46(5), 770-779, 2019)Although the benefits of co-teaching are emphasised in the literature, implementing it is still problematic. Teacher training is necessary to change attitudes and encourage its use, but training alone ... -
Escribir textos argumentativos de forma cooperativa: una herramienta para promover el conocimiento
(Aula de Inovación educativa. 175, 33-35, 2008, 2008-10)A continuación, describimos una experiencia de escritura cooperativa para promover la argumentación y el aprendizaje en el dominio de la filosofía. Entendemos que escribir de forma cooperativa es una ... -
Gender equality policies in higher education and research: best practices and future challenges of the women in science committee of Catalonia
(11th European conference on gender equality in higher education, pàg. 186-187, 2021)