Una mirada al consumidor de hoy (y de mañana) desde la publicidad
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The consumer, the object and target of today’s advertising, has become the center of all of company communication strategies. His or her participation, opinions and, thus, influence is being strongly felt. Companies have become aware of the role of the consumer and the importance of knowing in depth the personality, desires, concerns, habits, etc. of each one of the individuals that comprise their target audience. In spite of the crisis in which we are immersed, brands are prioritizing their relationship with the consumer ever more highly. In this article, we attempt to analyze briefly some of the most significant consumer trends, paying particular attention to some current practical cases connected to the advertising strategies, actions and formats that are shaping this new scenario in which the consumer is the protagonist.
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Versió publicada
Matèries (CDU)
65 - Gestió i organització. Administració i direcció d'empreses. Publicitat. Relacions públiques. Mitjans de comunicació de masses
Paraules clau
11 p.
Publicat per
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna
Publicat a
Trípodos, núm. 28, 2011
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