Incidencia de los estilos de vida en la publicidad y el marketing
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In recent decades, the concept of life-style has been an object of interest for advertising and marketing because of its intimate relationship with the buying behavior and consumption of individuals. The observation of the consumer based on his or her grouping into defined typologies based on life-style leads us to the analysis of multiple variables, among which, notably, are the notions of attitudes and values. The introduction of values into the definition of typologies adds a new dimension to the consideration of the consumer and with it the elaboration
of strategies of brand communication. However, the
definition of these typologies, the study of their behavior
and evolution, must be considered within the framework
of the study of social trends and the way in which these
trends affect across the board the buying behavior and
consumption of the individuals which make up these
different groups.
Tipo de documento
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Palabras clave
Estil de vida
16 p.
Publicado por
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna
Publicado en
Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006
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