The Spanish Family Quality of Life Scales under and over 18 Years Old: Psychometric Properties and Families’ Perceptions
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Background: Family quality of life (FQoL), just like individual quality of life, has become a priority outcome in the policies and services received by persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families. Conceptualizing, measuring, and theorizing FQoL has been the object of investigation in recent decades. The goal of this paper is to present a revision of the Spanish Family Quality of Life Scales, the CdVF-E < 18 and the CdVF-E >18, and describe the FQoL of Spanish families with a member with IDD. Methods: The sample included a total of 548 families with a member under 18 years old and 657 families with a member over 18. Based on an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) firstly and a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) secondly, the two scales’ psychometric properties were explored. Results: The CdVF-ER < 18 and the CdVF-ER > 18 comprise 5 dimensions, containing 35 and 32 items, respectively, and they show good validity and reliability. The families obtained a high FQoL score, although some differences exist between the dimensions on which families with children under and over 18 score highest and lowest. Conclusion: The characteristics of the revised scales facilitate their use by professionals, administrations, and services.
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Palabras clave
Qualitat de vida
Discapacitat intel·lectual
Trastorns del desenvolupament
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(21)
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