Embedding learning places in a sociophysical territory: a case study in the city of L'Hospitalet
Otros/as autores/as
Fecha de publicación
Within the framework of the A-Place project, cofunded by the Creative Europe programme 2019-23, we have carried out a comprehensive programme of educational and creative activities integrated in the community of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. These activities, embedded in the sociophysical territory, and undertaken with the collaboration of artists and teachers, students of diverse educational levels, and with the participation of residents from diverse social groups, have contributed to forging
links between people and the spaces they inhabit.
Tipo de documento
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Versión publicada
Materias (CDU)
00 - Ciencia y conocimiento. Investigación. Cultura. Humanidades
378 - Enseñanza superior. Universidades
71 - Urbanismo. Paisajismo, parques y jardines
72 - Arquitectura
Palabras clave
Situated learning
Learning spaces
2 p.
Publicado por
La Salle Campus Barcelona - Universitat Ramon Llull
Publicado en
Actes de la 3a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent
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