The influence of contextual variables on individual set-pieces in elite rink hockey
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The main objective of this research was to analyse the match context variables’ influence on individual set-piece’s success in rink-hockey. A sample of 196 matches, including 621 free direct hits (FDH) and 292 penalties (PEN) were analysed using logistic regression analysis. The results indicate that Match status has a significant effect on FDH and PEN success. Players had significantly better success in FDH when winning for by goals (OR = 2.4) and in PEN when winning by three or more goals (OR = 3.83). Conversely, players were less effective in FDH when losing by two goals (OR = 0.38). These findings suggested that contextual variables have little influence on individual set-piece success. As a general trend, it seems that set-pieces are less influenced by contextual variables than whole match, probably because are specific and individual actions between one player against the goalkeeper without the intervention of other players. The results of this investigation could be useful to better understand the behaviour of players during specific moments like individual set-pieces and to help coaches to better tailor their strategies to improve the effectiveness in set-pieces simulating specific contextual conditions.
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Hoquei sobre patins
Publicado por
Taylor & Francis Online
Publicado en
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, Volume 21, 2021 - Issue 3
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