Heritage sites experience design with special needs customers
Publication date
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of including customers with special needs in
the design of cultural and heritage services before the actual experience takes place.
Design/methodology/approach: Inclusive research through co-creation took place in the city of
Barcelona, Spain, in 2017, comparing the effect of including (Route 2) or not including (Route 1) customers
with visual and learning difficulties in the service design process of heritage walking routes.
Findings: The results show that the most important encounter in the heritage site context is
communication, although the usage and service touchpoints were also significant. In addition, results showed
that the ideal encounter or touchpoint should take place before the stay.
Originality/value:This paper contributes to learning about the designing of cultural and heritage
experiences and including people with special needs in the service design process before the actual experience
takes place.
Document Type
Published version
16 p.
Emerald Publishing Limited
Is part of
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2019, Vol. 31, Issue 11, p. 4211-4226
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