Browsing by Author "Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Turisme i Direcció Hotelera Sant Ignasi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 155
1 Hotel, 362 hotel rooms, 300 employees, 99% Chinese nationality, 1 goal, 100% guest satisfaction. Guest satisfaction at Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing: a study of cross-cultural service encounters
Appelman, Linda Janna Maria (Papers TSI, 2012, 2, 41-55, 2012-02)This study aims to investigate guest satisfaction stimulated by cross-cultural service encounters at the front office in the Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing. Within a hotel service environment, the frontline ... -
A qualitative analysis of the dimensions of the tourist experience in oriental spiritual retreats based on Eat Pray Love film
Aguilera Parcerisa, Berta; Farré Berenguer, Paula (2021-02)The use of destinations in films impacts a large number of audiences, generating travel motivations and expectations. Consequently, these cinematographic destinations receive a wide number of tourists ... -
A reference-dependent approach to WTP for priority
Hernández-Maskivker, Gilda; Nicolau, Juan R.; Ryan, Gerard; Valverde, Mireia (Tourism Management, 2019, Vol. 71 (April), p. 165-172, 2018-10)This article introduces the notions of reference dependence and loss aversion to the analysis of waiting times in tourism to examine their effects on people's willingness to pay (WTP). The empirical ... -
A study on online bookers' perceptions on the importance of website quality attributes
Balacenko, Katja (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, 95-106, 2011-02)This study aims to examine the perceptions of diff erent groups of actual online buyers, both direct and indirect buyers, on the importance of website quality att ributes from hotel distribution channels. ... -
Accessible tourism for the visually impaired in Catalonia: improving the legal framework
Pujol Fernández, Irene; Vergés Ubach, Marta (2018-12)This dissertation will help discover the barriers that people with visual impairment find when doing tourism. The researchers of the project found that there was a lack of acknowledgement of the blind ... -
Active spots tourist: Millennials vs baby boomers
Hernández-Maskivker, Gilda; IJspeert, Ruth (Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 2020, Vol. 6, Issue 2, p. 12-20, 2020-05)Purpose: Active sport tourism is one of the fastest rising leisure segments. Considering the extensive growth of both the millennial and baby boomers generation in this sector, there are large-scale ... -
Actividad turística y política territorial en la región del Ática
Boyra Amposta, Josep (Cuadernos de Turismo, 2007, nº 20, p. 55-77, 2007)La región del Ática y el área metropolitana de Atenas, en particular, representan en la actualidad el motor socioeconómico de Grecia. En efecto, desde que Atenas fuera declarada capital del Estado ... -
Adapting destinations to be accessible to all forms of tourism: the challenge of blind tourists
Beltrán Nel·lo, Paula (2018-03)The access to tourism activities is considered a right for everybody no matter their origin or their condition. Consequently, accessible tourism is becoming more important in modern societies in order ... -
Alas para el autismo: A study of the benefits of offering incentive travel
Castro Cañivano, Blanca (2016-07)The access to tourism activities is considered a right for everybody no matter their origin nor their condition. Consequently, accessible tourism is becoming more important in modern societies in order ... -
An analysis of motivations, benefits and costs for Penedes cava producers
Castrillo López, Chantal; Riba San Agustín, Adriana (2020-06)Penedes is a small area near the city of Barcelona. In addition, Penedes is the capital of the Catalan sparkling wine called: cava. Wine tourism plays a key role in this county, specifically the cava ... -
Analysis of attitude of new generations about wine tourism
Toro Teruel, Paula; del Pozo Marigó, Guillermo (2019-05)Wine tourism is becoming an important part of tourism sector, as it a way to diversify touristic offer avoiding massification of main destinations while helping to the revitalization of rural areas. ... -
Analysis of the accessibility in cultural heritage for people with autism spectrum disorder
Mora Sorribes, Gisela; Sors Planas, Roser (2020-06)Accessing to culture is a right for every human being. However, reality shows that people with disabilities constantly face difficulties when trying to participate in these environments. Even though ... -
Analysis of the degree to which the URL's Solidarity and International Cooperation trips correspond to the ISL methodology
Sierra Closas, Laura; Larumbe Molins, Alberto (2020-06)International Service-Learning (ISL) is being used by many institutions to create civilly engage students in international contexts, which originates in mutually beneficial cooperation and relationships ... -
Analysis of the gap between new hotel technologies and guests' ability to use them
Garcia Vilchez, Yaiza (2016-09)The purpose of this study was to analyze the gap between the new technologies that the hotels offer to their guest and their ability or knowledge to use these technologies. With this study the hoteliers ... -
Analyze the accessibility for disabled people in Mountain Tourism
Morales Fuentes, Laura; Vila Gallemí, Núria (2018-11)Tourism is an industry that is constantly growing and with it grows the awareness of people with special needs. Access to all the infrastructures that involves tourism is a right that all people have. In ... -
Análisis de la satisfacción de los clientes en restaurantes del Born
Duarte Masip, Hector (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, 21-39, 2011-02)Este artículo comenta y resume el estudio realizado por Laura Calvo, Marta Canvas y Alexandra Fuentes, siendo el tutor Héctor Duarte Masip, y presentado como proyecto de final de carrera en TSI - Turismo ... -
La aportación estratégica de los departamentos de recursos humanos de los hoteles de alta gama en la ciudad de Barcelona
Correa, Marc (Papers TSI, 2012, 2, 9-23, 2012-02)El objetivo del presente proyecto de investigación es estudiar el grado aportación estratégica de los departamentos de Recursos Humanos de los hoteles de gama alta de la ciudad de Barcelona. Para ello ... -
Are the LGBT Millennials Disrupting the Travel Industry as a New Niche Market of Their Own?
Lund Segtnan, Rune (2018-11)This research was conducted in order to acquire a better understand of LGBT Millennials’ travel behavior. The concept of Millennials’ distinctive and unique motivations in general are already well studied ... -
“Barcelona foradada”, 1937-1939: projecte d'accessibilitat al patrimoni de la ciutat
Solà-Morales, Imma (Papers TSI, 2011, 1, p. 43-58, 2011-02)L’article està estructurat en dues parts. En la primera es fa una descripció d’un projecte concret d’accessibilitat al patrimoni i en la segona es presenta una explicació sobre patrimoni i recurs ... -
Barcelona's citizens' attitudes towards tourism
Marinel-lo Ribó, Marta; Plana Villa, Arantzazu (2018-11)The aim of this project is to find out Barcelona’s citizens attitudes towards tourism. In order to analyze and acknowledge the city’s inhabitants’ perspectives on the Travel and Tourism Industry, ...