An analysis of motivations, benefits and costs for Penedes cava producers
Data de publicació
Penedes is a small area near the city of Barcelona. In addition, Penedes is the capital of the Catalan sparkling wine called: cava. Wine tourism plays a key role in this county, specifically the cava field. To be able to understand the importance of wine tourism in this region it is crucial to recognize why the cellars of Penedes enter the tourism sector.
This exploratory investigation has three objectives. First, providing a better understanding of the motivations of the cava cellars of Penedes to open to the public. Second, present the most noticeable costs that companies have, when enabling visits. Finally, expose how beneficial is for the firms to get into the tourism industry.
Tipus de document
Projecte/Treball fi de carrera o de grau
59 p.
Tutor: Emili Valdero
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