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Now showing items 1-20 of 4459
1 Hotel, 362 hotel rooms, 300 employees, 99% Chinese nationality, 1 goal, 100% guest satisfaction. Guest satisfaction at Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing: a study of cross-cultural service encounters
Appelman, Linda Janna Maria (Papers TSI, 2012, 2, 41-55, 2012-02)This study aims to investigate guest satisfaction stimulated by cross-cultural service encounters at the front office in the Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing. Within a hotel service environment, the frontline ... -
1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives as Novel Antifibrinolytic Drugs
Bosch-Sanz, Oriol; Rabadà, Yvette; Biarnés Fontal, Xevi; Pedreño, Javier; Caveda, Luis; Balcells Camps, Mercedes; Martorell López, Jordi; Sánchez García, David (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(23), 2022, 14942, 2022)Fibrinolysis is a natural process that ensures blood fluidity through the removal of fibrin deposits. However, excessive fibrinolytic activity can lead to complications in different circumstances, such ... -
1,6-Naphthyridin-2(1H)-ones: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications
Oliveras, Juan Marcos; Puig de la Bellacasa Cazorla, Raimon; Estrada Tejedor, Roger; Teixidó i Closa, Jordi; Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio (Pharmaceuticals 2021;14(10):1029, 2021-10-09)Naphthyridines, also known as diazanaphthalenes, are a group of heterocyclic compounds that include six isomeric bicyclic systems containing two pyridine rings. 1,6-Naphthyridines are one of the members ... -
15 años de laboratorios virtuales en química (I) ¿Qué son? ¿Para qué sirven?
Cuadros, Jordi (Alambique. Vol.76 (2014), p.55-62, 2014)Hace unos 15 años, entre 1997 y 2000, aparecieron un conjunto de entornos de simulación que representan un laboratorio de química. Se recogen en este artículo, el estado actual de siete de estas ... -
150 aniversari del naixement de Sigmund Freud: presentació
Piastro, Julieta; Foraster, Sakvador (Aloma, 2007, Núm. 20, 2007-05)La commemoració del 150 Aniversari del naixement de Sigmund Freud a Barcelona ha estat intensa. Un any ple d’activitats: conferències, taules rodones, poesia, cinema i cursos realitzats a diferents ... -
1a Jornada Esportiva Inclusiva
Usón Virgili, Maria (2018)El següent treball busca conèixer en quin estat es troba l’esport inclusiu i l’esport adaptat en la pràctica diària de les sessions d’educació física d’un centre ordinari. El municipi estudiat ha estat ... -
1H-Pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications
Donaire-Arias, Ana; Montagut, Ana Maria; Puig de la Bellacasa Cazorla, Raimon; Teixidó i Closa, Jordi; Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio (Molecules 27(7), 2022, 2237, 2022)Pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines are a group of heterocyclic compounds presenting two possible tautomeric forms: the 1H- and 2H-isomers. More than 300,000 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines have been described which ... -
1st International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that help Improving Access to Disabled Users (MSIADU’09)
García Pañella, Óscar; Villegas Portero, Eva; Duran, Jaume; Figlioli, Aline (Proceedings of the 17h ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2009-10)This Workshop is based on the work carried out during the 3rd International Workshop on Human-Centered Computing (HCC08) held at the ACM Multimedia 2008 conference in Vancouver [1]. There, participants ... -
20 años de investigación sobre Gobierno Corporativo Internacional
Vivas Crisol, Laura; Martínez Blasco, Mònica; García Blandón, Josep (Revista General de Información y Documentación. Vol.22 (2012) p.267-278, 2012-07)El Gobierno Corporativo Internacional es un tema de creciente interés en el área de Economía y Finanzas, ya que a pesar de todos los resultados que han supuesto décadas de investigación, este tema sigue ... -
25 anys de la Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés – URL
Marzo Arpón, Maite (Educació social. Revista d'intervenció socioeducativa, núm. 70 (2018), 2018)Aquest article relata els fets històrics més significatius dels 25 anys de la Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés, de la Universitat Ramon Llull. Fets que han marcat la trajectòria ... -
3,4-Methylenedioxy methamphetamine, synthetic cathinones and psychedelics: From recreational to novel psychotherapeutic drugs
López-Arnau, Raúl; Camarasa, Jordi; Carbó, Marcel·lí; Nadal Gratacós, Núria; Puigseslloses, Pol; Espinosa Velasco, María; Urquizu, Edurne; Figlioli, Aline; Pubill, David (Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022)The utility of classical drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders (e.g., antidepressants, anxiolytics) is often limited by issues of lack of efficacy, delayed onset of action or side effects. Psychoactive ... -
3D printed polymeric stent design: Mechanical testing and computational modeling
Canalejo Codina, Francesc; Cano Morenilla, Mariola; Martorell López, Jordi; Balcells Camps, Mercedes; Pegueroles, Marta; García Granada, Andrés-Amador (Materials & Design. 2024;247:113395, 2024-10-22)Polymer-based bioresorbable scaffolds (BRS) aim to reduce the long-term issues associated with metal stents. Yet, first-generation BRS designs experienced a significantly higher rate of clinical failures ... -
A BiCMOS discriminator interface for the SPD
Diéguez, A.; Bota, S.; Gascón, D.; Garrido, L.; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2000-09)A prototype chip for the analogue readout of the SPD in the LHCb Calorimeter is presented. The chip has been designed using the 0.8mm-BiCMOS technology of AMS and optimised for minimum size and ... -
A century of fascism in Spain, 1918-2014
Casals, Xavier (Bereginya, núm. 4, 2014, 2014)The history of fascism in Spain tends to be presented in a standard chronological pattern that begins in 1933 with the creation of the Falange Española party, and follows with its subsequent development ... -
A comparative analysis of the processing speed between video game players and non-players
Pardina-Torner, Helena; Carbonell, Xavier; Castejón, Marcos (Aloma, 2019, Vol. 37(1), 2019)Processing speed is an essential cognitive skill in our everyday lives, and, as such, it has been extensively studied. However, there is still uncertainty as to when and how, with appropriate training, ... -
A comparative study of difficulties in accounting preparation and judgement in agriculture using fair value and historical cost for biological assets valuation
García Blandón, Josep; Argilés Bosch, Josep M.; Sabata, Anna (Revista de Contabilidad: Spanish Accounting Review. Vol. 15, nº 1 (2012), pág. 109-142, 2012-01)This paper presents empirical research comparing the accounting difficulties that arise from the use of two valuation methods for biological assets, fair value (FV) and historical cost (HC) accounting, ... -
A comparative study on two cationic porphycenes: photophysical and antimicrobial photoinactivation evaluation
Nonell, Santi; Agut Bonsfills, Montserrat; Ruiz González, Rubén; Reddi, Elena (International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol.16, n.11 (2015), p.27072-27086, 2015-11)Over the last decades, the number of pathogenic multi-resistant microorganisms has grown dramatically, which has stimulated the search for novel strategies to combat antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial ... -
A Comparative Survey of Feature Extraction and Machine Learning Methods in Diverse Acoustic Environments
Monserrat Mesquida, Margalida; Alsina-Pagès, Rosa Ma (Sensors, 2021, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2021-02)Acoustic event detection and analysis has been widely developed in the last few years for its valuable application in monitoring elderly or dependant people, for surveillance issues, for multimedia ... -
A comparison between predetermined and self-selected approaches in resistance training: effects on power performance and psychological outcomes among elite youth athletes
Watson, Kevin; Halperin, Israel; Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Dello Iacono, Antonio (PeerJ, 2020, 8:e10361, 2020-11)Background. The aim of this study was to investigate if choice over resistance training exercise order affects motor performance and psychological outcomes among elite youth hockey players. Methods. ... -
A comparison of European countries FBDG in the light of their contribution to tackle diet-related health inequalities
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Boeckx, Hilde; Penne, Tess; Palma-Linares, Imma; Storms, Bérénice; Goedemé, Tim (European Journal of Public Health, 2020, 30(2): 346-353, 2019-08)Background: The purpose of this article is to report on a comparative analysis of the official food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) that were applicable in 2015 in 25 EU Member States. We assess FBDG ...