Football, Dance, Dolls and Toy Cars: Comparative Analysis Between Switzerland and Spain in Relation to Gender Stereotypes Among Primary School Pupils
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Carried out in the context of a PEERS project between Lausanne and Barcelona, the
aim of this study was to compare the place of gender stereotypes among young pupils
educated in Swiss and Spanish schools. These stereotypes were measured in relation
to sporting activities (football and dance) and in relation to toys (dolls and toy cars).
Questionnaires were distributed to the pupils of both countries (n = 120) and focus
groups were set up (n = 9). The results show that a large majority of pupils adhere to
gender stereotypes and that they separate activities into two categories: male (football
and toy cars) and female (dance and dolls). Some differences emerge between the two
countries, the Spanish pupils adhering to gender stereotypes in a more pronounced way
than the Swiss. At school, action against stereotypes should be developed to allow each
and every pupil to engage freely and confidently in all activities.
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Palabras clave
Educació primària -- Espanya
Educació primària -- Suïssa
Publicado por
Peter Lang
Publicado en
Gilles, J.L. (2017). Linking Research and Training in Internationalization of Teacher Education with the PEERS Program: Issues, Case Studies and Perspectives. Peter Lang
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