Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Death with dignity. A polisemic approach 

      Torralba Rosselló, Francesc (Puyol, J.M. (Coord.) (2021). Human dignity and law. Studies on the dignity of human life (pp. 289-299). Tirant Lo Blanc, 2021)
      On the 22nd of June 2018 a seminar organized by RCC Study Group ¨Studies on Life and Human Dignity¨ was held at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). The Seminar New Challenges for Law: Human ...
    • Developing plurilingual competence with young learners: "We play and we learn and we speak in three languages" 

      Corcoll López, Cristina (González Davies, M. i Taronna, A. (eds.). New Trends in Early Foreign Language Learning: The Age Factor, CLIL and Languages in Contact. Bridging Research and Good Practices. pp. 97-109, 2012)
      The main aim of this chapter is to justify in theoretical and practical terms why plurilingual competence should be developed in the context of teaching and additional language in Primary Education and ...
    • Dignity: A Philosophical approach 

      Torralba Rosselló, Francesc (Pujol, J.M. (Coord.) (2020). New Challenges for law: Studies on the dignity of human life, (pp. 27-35) Tirant Lo Blanc-Harvard, 2020)
      On the 3rd June 2016 and 22nd June 2018 two seminars organized by RCC Study Group Studies on Life and Human Dignity were held at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts). Both seminars gathered ...
    • Early languages 

      Corcoll López, Cristina; Flores, Carme (Sutherland, H. i Mukadam, Y. (eds.). Supporting Toddlers’ Wellbeing in Early Years Settings: Strategies and Tools for Practitioners and Teachers (pp. 161-177), 2018-04)
      Early childhood education should provide toddlers with the best learning opportunities. Nowadays, when focusing on language and language learning, the best learning opportunities should include adapting ...
    • Families' Discourse in Polarized Societies When Talking about Violence with Their Children in Catalonia 

      Boqué Torremorell, Maria Carme; Alguacil de Nicolás, Montserrat; García Raga, Laura; Ribalta Alcalde, Maria Dolors; Sala Bars, Ingrid (Carter, C., & Dhungana, R.K. (Eds.). (2023). Educating for Peace through Countering Violence: Strategies in Curriculum and Instruction (1st ed.). Routledge., 2023)
    • Football, Dance, Dolls and Toy Cars: Comparative Analysis Between Switzerland and Spain in Relation to Gender Stereotypes Among Primary School Pupils 

      Breau, Antoine; Lentillon-Kaestner, Vanessa; Ribalta Alcalde, Maria Dolors (Gilles, J.L. (2017). Linking Research and Training in Internationalization of Teacher Education with the PEERS Program: Issues, Case Studies and Perspectives. Peter Lang, 2017)
      Carried out in the context of a PEERS project between Lausanne and Barcelona, the aim of this study was to compare the place of gender stereotypes among young pupils educated in Swiss and Spanish ...
    • Preschool education 

      Corcoll López, Cristina; Mitchell-Smith, Jane (Laviosa, S. i González-Davies, M. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education (pp. 65-80). Routledge, 2020)
      To be authentic and effective, the multilingual turn (May 2014; Meier 2017) should begin in the early years as it is there where “key attitudes towards other languages and cultures are formed and ...
    • The Role of History in Enriching Mathematics Teachers’ Training for Primary Education (6–12 Years Old Students) 

      Vanegas, Yuly Marsela; Giménez, Joaquín; Prat, Montserrat (Romero Sanchez, S., Serradó Bayés, A., Appelbaum, P., Aldon, G. (eds) The Role of the History of Mathematics in the Teaching/Learning Process. Advances in Mathematics Education. Springer, Cham., 2023-06)
      The benefits of incorporating history into mathematics teacher education have received considerable attention and have been discussed for decades. Never theless, the knowledge of epistemic principles ...
    • Universal design for learning: a challenge and an opportunity for Spanish universities 

      Sala Bars, Ingrid; Moriña, Anabel (In Research Handbook on Higher Education and Disability; Madaus, J.W., Dukes, L.L., III, Eds.; Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton, MA, USA, 2023, 2023-12)
      In Spain over the last few decades, the need to move towards inclusive universities has become apparent. The steady increase in the number of students with disabilities together with the development of ...