Effects of Exercise-Induced Neuromuscular Fatigue on Jump Performance and Lower-Limb Asymmetries in Youth Female Team Sport Athletes
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The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of acute neuromuscular fatigue on unilateral jump
performance and inter-limb asymmetries. Thirty elite youth female team sport athletes (age: U-14 to U-18) performed the
Unilateral Countermovement Jump (UCJ) and the Unilateral Drop Jump (UDJ) (18-cm box) tests before and
approximately 10 minutes after the 30-15 intermittent fitness test (30-15 IFT). A paired samples t-test showed significant
reductions in UCJ jump height in the right leg after the 30-15 IFT (p = 0.018; d = 0.33), but not in the left leg (p = 0.459;
d = 0.48). For the UDJ, significant reductions in jump height were shown in both the right (p < 0.001; d = 0.33) and left
(p < 0.001; d = 0.33) legs. In addition, for the reactive strength index (UDJ), significant reductions were seen in the left
leg after the 30-15 IFT (p < 0.001; d = 0.31), but not in the right leg (p = 0.948; d < 0.001). Only UCJ inter-limb jump
height asymmetries increased significantly post 30-15 IFT (p = 0.033; d = 0.46). In conclusion, the current study indicates
that the 30-15 IFT provides a sufficient dose of activity for inducing acute fatigue in elite youth female team sport athletes.
Therefore, monitoring jump height in unilateral jump testing is recommended given the tests’ sensitivity to detect
significant differences in physical performance and inter-limb asymmetries under acutely fatigued conditions in healthy
youth female athletes.
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Dones esportistes
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Publicado en
Journal of Human Kinetics, Vol. 89 (2023), p. 19-31
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