Educational warehouse: modular, private and secure cloudable architecture system for educational data storage, analysis and acces
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Data in the educational context are becoming increasingly important in decision-making and teaching-learning processes. Similar to the industrial context, educational institutions are adopting data-processing technologies at all levels. To achieve representative results, the processes of extraction, transformation and uploading of educational data should be ubiquitous because, without useful data, either internal or external, it is difficult to perform a proper analysis and to obtain unbiased educational results. It should be noted that the source and type of data are heterogeneous and that the analytical processes can be so diverse that it opens up a practical problem of management and access to the data generated. At the same time, ensuring the privacy, identity, confidentiality and security of students and their data is a “sine qua non” condition for complying with the legal issues involved while achieving the required ethical premises. This work proposes a modular and scalable data system architecture that solves the complexity of data management and access. On the one hand, it allows educational institutions to collect any data generated in both the teaching-learning and management processes. On the other hand, it will enable external access to this data under appropriate privacy and security conditions.
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Materias (CDU)
004 - Informática
37 - Educación. Enseñanza. Formación. Tiempo libre
371 - Organización y gestión de la educación y de la enseñanza
Palabras clave
Computació en núvol
Processament distribuït de dades
Protecció de dades
Seguretat informàtica
Bases de dades
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Applied sciences
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