Achieving Legitimacy Through Gender Equality Policies
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The academic literature has shown some positive effects of gender equality policies’ development on the companies’ performance. However, often companies are not promoting this type of policies. This research analyzes the effect of corporate gender equality policies from an institutional perspective. Using a structural equation model, based on 150 questionnaires, the
results have empirically demonstrated that gender equality policies positively influence four dimensions of organizational
legitimacy: pragmatic, moral, regulatory, and cognitive. These results extend our knowledge of the effect of corporate social
responsibility policies on organizational legitimacy, underlying that gender equality strategies are very useful for improving
organizational legitimacy. Furthermore, these results provide new strategic arguments for managers to manage the organizational change and to develop gender equality policies and foster the decrease of the gender gap.
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Matèries (CDU)
3 - Ciències socials
Paraules clau
Igualtat entre els sexes
Empreses--Responsabilitat social
13 p.
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SAGE Open, Vol. 13, núm. 2, 2023
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