Articles publicats en revistes: Enviaments recents
Ara mostrant els elements 441-460 de 546
Unidades de aprendizaje activas interrelacionadas con uso natural de herramientas TIC en la construcción arquitectónica
(Revista Teoría de la Educación. Educación y Cultura en La Sociedad de la Información, 2013, Vol.12, 4, 2013)La incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en los estudios universitarios es un factor consumado. No obstante, no siempre es un proceso realizado correctamente y en muchos casos se ignora la opinión del ... -
La diplomacia de Smart Cities: el caso de la ciudad de Barcelona, 2011-2015
(Revista de Relaciones Internacionales de la UNAM, 2019, 134, 2019-05)El trabajo se fundamenta en torno a la diplomacia de la ciudad de Barcelona y a la configuración de un discurso hegemónico sobre Smart City, con repercusiones a nivel local y global. El énfasis se hace ... -
Comportamiento plausible de agentes virtuales: inclusión de parámetros de usabilidad emocional a partir de imágenes fotográficas
(Revista Iberoamericana de Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2006), 2006)Actualmente está reconocido que la imagen es la forma superior de comunicación. Su uso en cualquier sistema audiovisual está influyendo en un cambio cultural que afecta principalmente a la optimización ... -
Analyzing technological innovation in low and medium-low tech peruvian manufacturing companies
(Contaduría y Administración, 2019, Vol. 64, 4, 2019-06)Greater attention should be given to low- and medium-low- tech companies in emerging countries because they contribute a significant share of GDP and employment in their economies. However, innovation ... -
Comparative Study on Feature Selection and Fusion Schemes for Emotion Recognition from Speech
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2012, Vol. 1, No. 6 (Setembre), 2012-09)The automatic analysis of speech to detect affective states may improve the way users interact with electronic devices. However, the analysis only at the acoustic level could be not enough to determine ... -
El Conocimiento Arquitectónico en la Era de la Informacón: Los Repositorios Digitales
(Re. Revista de edificación, 2011-2012, Vol. 39-40, 2012)La arquitectura, al igual que otras disciplinas, aspira a delimitar su ámbito de estudio identificando y nombrando, definiendo y clasificando los objetos –conceptuales y materiales– que le son propios. ... -
Evolució de la imatge de les Drassanes de Barcelona
(Drassana: revista del Museu Marítim, 2011, 19, 2011) -
Design of interactive and collaborative learning units using TICs in architectural construction education
(Revista de la construcción, 2017, Vol. 16, 1, 2017-03)In the new context of the Information Society and online learning, offering architectural education based on interactive and collaborative methodologies can generate professionals capable of combining ... -
Data maturity analysis and business performance. A Colombian case study
(Heliyon, 2019, 5, e02195, 2019-06)Colombia over the last decade has experienced a historic economic boom and Information Technology (IT) has been emerging as a tool to enable the competitiveness of companies. The last government ... -
Impacto de las fuentes externas de conocimiento en la innovación de productos de empresas de baja y media baja intensidad tecnológica
(Estudios Gerenciales, 2018, Vol. 34, 149, 2018-12)A pesar de sus limitaciones, las empresas pequeñas y medianas de baja y media baja intensidad tecnológica se plantean el reto de mejorar su capacidad de innovación. Por esto, se propone un modelo probit ... -
Tactile Fabric Panel in an Eight Zones Structure
(Sensors, 2007, Nov (7) 11, 2007-11)By introducing a percentage of conductive material during the manufacture of sewing thread, it is possible to obtain a fabric which is able to detect variations in pressure in certain areas. In previous ... -
Determining Position Inside Non-industrial Buildings Using Ultrasound Transducers
(Sensors, 2007, (7) 11, 2007-11)The position determination inside a building where no GPS signal is beingreceived can be ascertained using laser transmitters in industrial situations where there areno people or using triangulation of ... -
Visualization methods in architecture education using 3D virtual models and augmented reality in mobile and social networks
(Procedia - Social and Behavioral Science, 2013, Vol. 93 (Octubre), 2013-10)Migration to new visualization techniques is a trend that allows for a better spatial understanding. In order to evaluate the resilience ability of first-year students of Spanish architecture degree, ... -
La persiana enrollable. Revisión del sistema constructivo y sus requisitos medioambientales
(Instituto de Ciencas de la Construcción Eudardo Torroja - CSIC, 2015-10)El empobrecimiento de los filtros del hueco hace que su eficiencia medioambiental, integración en el sistema constructivo y cualidades compositivas y espaciales se vean drásticamente reducidas. La ... -
SEíS: A semantic-based system for integrating building energy data
(Informes de la Construcción 2015, 67 (537), 2015-04)Access to reliable energy related data is a fundamental factor when taking decisions that help to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The increase in the amount of data we have available has led ... -
Vertical Extension and Improving of Existing Buildings
(The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2017, 11, (Suppl-1, M4), 2016-11)Low-density urban models, widely diffused in Spain until 2008, have been strongly criticized because they produce a great strain on the land, high infrastructure costs, increasing maintenance expenses, ... -
Architecture for Informal Tourism - Mild Occupation of Landscape through Campsites
(Athens Journal of Tourism, 2015, Vol. 2, 4, 2015-12)The IAM Research group (Investigation in Mediterranean Architecture), from the La Salle-Ramon Llull University in Barcelona, is developing its research on the architecture of touristic settlements. Its ... -
The Case of "Anis del Mono" Factory. Regenerating Coastal Heritage in Catalonia
(AthensJournal of Mediterranean Studies, 2016, Vol. 2, 3, 2016-07)The "IAM group" (Investigation in Mediterranean Architecture), School of Architecture LaSalle -URL, Barcelona, has developed a research project entitled "Strategies for Sustainable Regeneration ... -
An Antarctica‐to‐Spain HF ionospheric radio link: Sounding results
(Radio Science, 2008, Vol.43 ,Nº4 (Agost), 2008-08)Our research group in Electromagnetism and Communications is involved in a project dealing with the channel characterization of an ionospheric radio link from the Spanish Antarctic Base (62.6°S, 60.4°W) ... -
Glottal Source Contribution to Higher Order Modes in the Finite Element Synthesis of Vowels
(Applied Sciences. 2019, Vol. 9, No. 21, 2019-10)Articulatory speech synthesis has long been based on one-dimensional (1D) approaches. They assume plane wave propagation within the vocal tract and disregard higher order modes that typically appear ...