Browsing Articles publicats en revistes by Subject "378"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
A Methodology to Study the University’s Online Teaching Activity from Virtual Platform Indicators: The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
(Sustainability, 2021, 13 (9), 2021-05)The Covid-19 pandemic led Catalan universities to do all teaching and evaluation onlinefrom 11 March 2020 until the end of term on 30 July. Conventional universities made the transition toonline teaching ... -
A qualitative approach to help adjust the design of management subjects in ICT engineering undergraduate programs through user experience in a smart classroom context
(Sensors, 2021-07-12)Qualitative research activities, including first-day of class surveys and user experience interviews on completion of a subject were carried out to obtain students’ feedback in order to improve the ... -
A Smart Campus’ Digital Twin for Sustainable Comfort Monitoring
(Sustainability, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 21, 2020-11)Interdisciplinary cross-cultural and cross-organizational research offers great opportunities for innovative breakthroughs in the field of smart cities, yet it also presents organizational and knowledge ... -
A Systematic Review of Current Strategies and Methods for BIM Implementation in the Academic Field
(Applied Sciences, 2021, 11 (12), 2021-06)Since the international governmental institutions required and/or recommended (accord-ing to the regulations of each country and continent) all public works to be certified in the BIM(Building Information ... -
Assessment of Augmented Visualization Methods in Multimedia Engineering Education
(International Journal of Engineering Education. Vol 31, Nº 3, 2015-04)This paper presents a mixed-method study that combines quantitative and qualitative techniques to evaluate the technological profile and the motivation and satisfaction of Multimedia Engineering degree ... -
Automatic tutoring system to support cross-disciplinary training in Big Data
(The Journal of Supercomputing, 2020, 1818-1852, 2021-02)During the last decade, Big Data has emerged as a powerful alternative to address latent challenges in scalable data management. The ever-growing amount and rapid evolution of tools, techniques, and ... -
Connecting domain-specific features to source code: towards the automatization of dashboard generation
(Cluster Computing, 2020, Vol. 23, 2019-11-05)Dashboards are useful tools for generating knowledge and support decision-making processes, but the extended use of technologies and the increasingly available data asks for user-friendly tools that ... -
Crossing Interactions Between Architecture and Media: A pedagogic model for contemporary education
(Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2008, Vol. 2, 3, 2008)The course Systems of Representation has been conceived as an open structure made up of relationships between different areas of knowledge. Art and new media, architectural theory and ... -
Design of interactive and collaborative learning units using TICs in architectural construction education
(Revista de la Construcción. Journal of Construction, 2017-03-23)In the new context of the Information Society and online learning, offering architectural education based on interactive and collaborative methodologies can generate professionals capable of combining ... -
Educating urban designers using augmented reality and mobile learning technologies
(La Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación Digital (RIED), 2017-01-07)This paper describes an educational experience using augmented reality (AR) on mobile devices as a tool for learning urban design concepts and specifically for architecture degree students. ... -
Enseñanza basada en dispositivos móviles. Nuevos retos en la docencia de la representación arquitectónica. Caso de estudio: Los Tianguis de Tonalá, Jalisco, México
(EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica, 2016-05-09)Presentamos un estudio de caso de investigación educativa centrado en la visualización y acceso a contenidos docentes de forma ubicua en dispositivos multimedia móviles. El tema de estudio es el proyecto ... -
Format frequency tuning of three-dimensional MRI-based vocal tracts for the finite element synthesis of vowels
(IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 2024. Vol. 32, p. 2790-2799, 2024-05)Nowadays it is possible to acquire three-dimensional (3D) geometries of the vocal tract by means of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and introduce them into a 3D acoustic model to obtain their frequency ... -
Identification and comparison of the main variables affecting early university dropout rates according to knowledge area and institution
(Heliyon, 2023-06-17)The dropout rate in universities is a widely studied issue that concerns both universities and public organizations. Most studies focus on quantifying the phenomenon and identifying the variables involved. ... -
¿Una imagen o mil palabras? Influencia de la extensión de las preguntas y el soporte gráfico en las tasas de éxito y abandono de las pruebas en línea
(Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 2016-12-31)The growing popularity of automatically graded online tests, either as an evaluation or self-assessment tool in online or blended education, demands a review of how these questions are designed and ... -
Influencia de la trayectoria de aprendizaje de la metodología Self Directed Based Learning en el éxito académico
(Education in the knowledge society, 2023-10-16)Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio realizado con el objetivo de validar el impacto que tiene el comportamiento de un estudiante sobre su éxito académico en un programa diseñado con la ... -
Local technology to enhance data privacy and security in educational technology
(2021-11-23)In educational environments, technological adoption in the last 10 years has enabled a data-driven and decision-making paradigm in organizations. The integration of cloud services in schools and ... -
Master in Teacher Training: A real implementation of Active Learning
(Computer in Human Behavior. Vol. 31, 2014-02)Teaching methods based on lectures often result in student passivity rather than pro-activity with the only goal of the student being to pass the final exam. Consequently, content retention is temporary ... -
Methodologies of learning served by virtual reality: a case study in urban interventions
(Applied sciences, 2019-11-28)A computer-simulated reality and the human-machine interactions facilitated by computer technology and wearable computers may be used as an educational methodology that transforms the way students deal ... -
Mixed Analysis of the Flipped Classroom in the Concrete and Steel Structures Subject in the Context of COVID-19 Crisis Outbreak. A Pilot Study
(Sustainability, 2021, 13 (11), 2021-05)A sudden lockdown was declared on 14 March 2020 due to COVID-19 crisis, leading to animmediate change from face-to-face to online learning in all universities within Spanish jurisdiction.At La Salle ... -
Mixed Assessment of Virtual Serious Games Applied in Architectural and Urban Design Education
(Sensors, 2021, 21 (9), 2021-04)The creation and usage of serious games on virtual reality (VR) and/or interactive platformsfor the teaching of architecture, construction, urban planning, and other derived areas, such as securityand ...