A study of the Z production cross-section in pp collisions at s√=7TeV using tau final states
Calvo Gómez, Míriam
Camboni, Alessandro
Vilasís Cardona, Xavier
LHCb Collaboration - CERN
Altres autors/es
Universitat Ramon Llull. La Salle
Data de publicació
A measurement of the inclusive Z → ττ cross-section in pp collisions at s√=7TeV is presented based on a dataset of 1.0 fb−1 collected by the LHCb detector. Candidates for Z → τ τ decays are identified through reconstructed final states with two muons, a muon and an electron, a muon and a hadron, or an electron and a hadron. The production cross-section for Z bosons, with invariant mass between 60 and 120 GeV/c 2, which decay to τ leptons with transverse momenta greater than 20 GeV/c and pseudorapidities between 2.0 and 4.5, is measured to be σ pp→Z→ττ = 71.4 ± 3.5 ± 2.8 ± 2.5 pb; the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third is due to the uncertainty on the integrated luminosity. The ratio of the cross-sections for Z → τ τ to Z → μμ is determined to be 0.93 ± 0.09, where the uncertainty is the combination of statistical, systematic, and luminosity uncertainties of the two measurements.
Tipus de document
Versió publicada
Matèries (CDU)
539 - Constitució física de la matèria
Paraules clau
Gran col·lisionador d'hadrons (França i Suïssa)
Partícules (Física nuclear)
Col·lisions (Física nuclear)
20 p.
Publicat per
Publicat a
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.1 (Gener)
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