Browsing by Author "CERN"
Now showing items 1-20 of 324
A BiCMOS discriminator interface for the SPD
Diéguez, A.; Bota, S.; Gascón, D.; Garrido, L.; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2000-09)A prototype chip for the analogue readout of the SPD in the LHCb Calorimeter is presented. The chip has been designed using the 0.8mm-BiCMOS technology of AMS and optimised for minimum size and ... -
A model-independent Dalitz plot analysis of B±→DK± with D→K0Sh+h− (h=π,K) decays and constraints on the CKM angle γ
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physics Letters B , 2015, Vol. 718, No. 1 (Novembre), 2012-11-15)A binned Dalitz plot analysis of B± → DK± decays, with D → K0 Sπ+π− and D → K0 S K+K−, is performed to measure the CP-violating observables x± and y± which are sensitive to the CKM angle γ . The analysis ... -
A study of CP violation in B±→DK± and B±→Dπ± decays with D→K0SK±π∓ final states
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physics Letters B , 2014, Vol. 733 (Juny), 2014-06-02)A first study of CP violation in the decay modes B±→[K0SK±π∓]Dh± and B±→[K0SK∓π±]Dh±, where h labels a K or π meson and D labels a D0 or D⎯⎯⎯0 meson, is performed. The analysis uses the LHCb data set ... -
A study of the Z production cross-section in pp collisions at s√=7TeV using tau final states
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.1 (Gener), 2013-01-16)A measurement of the inclusive Z → ττ cross-section in pp collisions at s√=7TeV is presented based on a dataset of 1.0 fb−1 collected by the LHCb detector. Candidates for Z → τ τ decays are identified ... -
Addendum: Observation of double charm production involving open charm in pp collisions at√s= 7 TeV
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2041, Vol. 2014, No.3 (Març), 2014-03-24) -
Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of ¯Bos → J/ψ K+K−
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2013, Vol. 87 , No.7 (Abril), 2013-04-08)An amplitude analysis of the final state structure in the ¯¯¯B0s→J/ψK+K− decay mode is performed using 1.0 fb−1 of data collected by the LHCb experiment in 7 TeV center-of-mass energy pp collisions ... -
Amplitude analysis of B0 → ¯D0K+π− decays
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2015, Vol.92, No.1 (Juliol), 2015-07-20)The Dalitz plot distribution of B0→¯D0K+π− decays is studied using a data sample corresponding to 3.0 fb−1 of pp collision data recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2011 and 2012. The data are described ... -
Amplitude analysis of the B+ → π+ π+ π− decay
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2020-01)The results of an amplitude analysis of the charmless three-body decay B+→π+π+π−, in which CP-violation effects are taken into account, are reported. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding ... -
Analysis of the resonant components in ¯B0s → J/ψ π+ π−
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2012, Vol. 86 , No.5 (Setembre), 2012-09-17)The decay ¯¯¯B0s→J/ψπ+π− can be exploited to study CP violation. A detailed understanding of its structure is imperative in order to optimize its usefulness. An analysis of this three-body final state ... -
Analysis of the resonant components in ¯¯¯B0s→J/ψπ+π−
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2012, Vol. 86 , No. 5 (Setembre), 2012-09-17)The decay ¯¯¯B0s→J/ψπ+π− can be exploited to study CP violation. A detailed understanding of its structure is imperative in order to optimize its usefulness. An analysis of this three-body final state ... -
Angular analysis and differential branching fraction of the decay B 0 s → ϕμ + μ −
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015, Vol. 2015, No.9 (Setembre), 2015-09-25)An angular analysis and a measurement of the differential branching fraction of the decay B 0 s → ϕμ + μ − are presented, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 of pp collisions ... -
Angular analysis of charged and neutral B → Kμ + μ − decays
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014, Vol. 2014, No.5 (Maig), 2014-05-19)The angular distributions of the rare decays B + → K + μ + μ − and B0→K0Sμ+μ− are studied with data corresponding to 3fb−1 of integrated luminosity, collected in proton-proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV ... -
Angular analysis of the B0 → K*0e+e− decay in the low-q2 region
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015, Vol. 2015, No.4 (Abril), 2015-04-14)An angular analysis of the B0 → K*0e+e− decay is performed using a data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1, collected by the LHCb experiment in pp collisions at centre-of-mass ... -
B flavour tagging using charm decays at the LHCb experiment
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Journal of Instrumentation, 2015, Vol. 10, 2015-10)An algorithm is described for tagging the flavour content at production of neutral B mesons in the LHCb experiment. The algorithm exploits the correlation of the flavour of a B meson with the charge of ... -
Dalitz plot analysis of B0 → D¯ 0πþπ− decays
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2015, Vol. 92, No. 3, 2015-08)The resonant substructures of B0 → D¯ 0πþπ− decays are studied with the Dalitz plot technique. In this study a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 of pp collisions collected ... -
Dalitz plot analysis of B0s→¯D0K−π+ decays
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2014, Vol. 90 , No.7 (Octubre), 2014-10-14)The resonant substructure of B0s→¯D0K−π+ decays is studied with the Dalitz plot analysis technique. The study is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 of pp ... -
Determination of fs/fd for 7 TeV pp Collisions and Measurement of the B0→D−K+ Branching Fraction
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2011, Vol. 107, No. 21 (Novembre), 2011-11-14)The relative abundance of the three decay modes B0→D−K+, B0→D−π+, and B0s→D−sπ+ produced in 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC is determined from data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 pb−1. ... -
Determination of quantum numbers for several excited charmed mesons observed in B−→D*+π−π− decays
Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2020, Vol. 101, n.3 (Febrer), 2020-01)A four-body amplitude analysis of the B−→D*+π−π− decay is performed, where fractions and relative phases of the various resonances contributing to the decay are measured. Several quasi-model-independent ... -
Determination of the branching fractions of B 0S → D ∓S K ∓ and B 0 → D −S K +
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015, Vol. 2015, No.19 (Abril), 2015-04-07) -
Determination of the quark coupling strength |Vub| using baryonic decays
Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Nature Physics, 2015, Vol. 11, 2015-07)In the Standard Model of particle physics, the strength of the couplings of the b quark to the u and c quarks, |Vub| and |Vcb|, are governed by the coupling of the quarks to the Higgs boson. Using data ...