Effect of individual cultural attributes on IT professionals' turnover intention
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Employee turnover is one of the major concerns of managers in today’s organizations. Work exhaustion and burnout have
been named among the causes that explain intention to quit and turnover. IT organizations are facing high levels of work
exhaustion and burnout and consequently turnover is one of the problems that can be derived from this situation. Extant
literature proposes a set of studies that focus on the determinants of turnover and on turnover intention among IT
professionals. Despite this recent works there are incomplete conclusions on turnover antecedents among IT
This research-in progress work wants to shed some light on the mediating variables that can explain turnover intention
among IT professionals. Since different variables have been introduced on the study of turnover, cross-cultural research
on turnover intention among IT professionals is scarce and inconclusive. This work introduces individual cultural
attributes as mediating variables on previous IT professionals’ turnover intention models. The main goal of this research
study will be to report on the causal effects of cultural attributes on IT professionals’ turnover intention.
The authors are ready to design the questionnaire and they expect to be able to present the outcomes of the qualitative
validation phase and to discuss the preliminary results in the conference.
Tipo de documento
Objeto de conferencia
Materias (CDU)
37 - Educación. Enseñanza. Formación. Tiempo libre
62 - Ingeniería. Tecnología
Palabras clave
Ensenyament -- Innovacions
5 p.
Publicado por
The Iadis International Conference. Information Systems, Portugal, 18-20 of March 2010
Publicado en
Proceedings of the Iadis International Conference. Information Systems
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