What influences PhD graduate trajectories during the degree: a research-based policy agenda
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Data de publicació
During the past two decades, PhD graduate numbers have increased dramatically
with graduates viewed by governments as a means to advance the knowledge
economy and international competitiveness. Concurrently, universities have also
invested in policies to monitor satisfaction, retention, and timely completion—and
researchers have expanded the study of PhD experience. We, as such researchers,
have increasingly received invitations from university decision-makers to present
research evidence which might guide their doctoral programs. Their interest provoked us to do a qualitative systematized review of research on doctoral
experience—seeking evidence of practices that influenced retention, satisfaction,
and completion. The result contributes a synthesis of the critical research evidence
that could be used to inform doctoral education policy. We also demonstrate the
possibilities of such evidence by suggesting some potential recommendations,
while recognizing that there is no direct relationship between research results and
their transformation into particular institutional contexts in ways that enhance
doctoral experience. We hope our initiative will be taken up and extended by
other researchers, particularly the research gaps we note, so we can collectively
support the use of research evidence to influence both doctoral policies and
practices—with the goal to better prepare PhD researchers for their futures and
better support their supervisors.
Tipus de document
Versió publicada
Paraules clau
Universitats--Estudis de 2n i 3r cicles
Recerca basada en l'evidència
Investigació qualitativa
33 p.
Publicat per
Publicat a
Higher Education (2020), 80: 1011-1043
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