Developing and Testing the Populi Needle Exchange Point Finder: An App to Reduce Harm Associated With Intravenous Drug Consumption Among Homeless and Non-homeless Drug Users
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The spread of viral infections remains a serious public health problem. People who
inject drugs represent one of the highest-risk groups. eHealth and mHealth have been
shown to be effective in improving individuals’ management of their own health and
their access to health care and to contribute to reducing the costs associated with
certain medical interventions. People who inject drugs, including homeless people,
tend to have access to technology. Young homeless people in particular are likely to
use smartphones and social networking sites in ways that are similar to the general
population. Despite this widespread use of technology, there are no apps designed
specifically to reduce harm in people who inject drugs. The objective of this study is
to analyze the development and usability testing process for an application for mobile
devices, designed to complement the Needle Exchange Program. This app—the first
of its kind—was developed by a public health agency, specialized professionals and
people who inject drugs. We analyzed the differences in how health providers and
drug users experienced the usability of the app. The participants were 61 members
of multidisciplinary professional group and 16 people who inject drugs. We used a
cross-sectional quantitative, observational design. First, we created and administered
a questionnaire to collect the sociodemographic characteristics that could mediate the
use of technology. Next participants tried the app and filled out a second questionnaire
in which they rated their experience on a Likert scale from 1 to 7 in the following
dimensions: overall attractiveness of the app, ease/difficulty of use, the extent to
which they believed the app could improve access to injection materials, the extent
to which they thought it would improve PWID’s participation in the needle exchange
program, overall utility, the degree to which they thought PWID would use the app,
and the need for the app. To analyze the answers, we used contingency tables and
compared means using a Student’s t test. Finally, we conducted six audio-recorded
focus groups about how the participants experienced the usability of the app. The objective of this part of the study was to classify and quantify the contributions of
individuals and the group according to three predefined categories: potential benefits
and positive aspects, potential obstacles or difficulties in carrying out the project, and
concrete suggestions for improving the interface. There were not significant differences
between the sociodemographic variables and the variables related to use of the app
between professionals and PWID. Both professionals and PWID rated the app as intuitive
and useful, especially the geolocation function for NEPs. Both groups also thought that
the interface contained too much information and that this excess could be confusing for
users. Both groups also had similar opinions about the app and its uses. An important
difference between the two groups is that PWID reported that they would use the app,
while professionals reported that they didn’t think PWID would use it. All participants
proposed improvements on the prototype, suggestions that will be applied in the creation
of the definitive interface. Including professionals and patients in this sort of usability test
enables researchers and developers to detect the needs of potential app users.
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Versión publicada
Palabras clave
Injeccions intravenoses
Aplicacions mòbils
12 p.
Publicado por
Publicado en
Frontiers in Public Health, 2020, vol. 8, Article 493321
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