Now showing items 109-128 of 301

    • “I Want To Be a YouTuber”. Online References and Aspirational Values for Tweens 

      Aran Ramspott, Sue; Fedele, Maddalena; Suau Martínez, Jaume (Trípodos, núm. 43, 2018, 2018)
      The article presents the preliminary results of a study on how tweens (11-12 year-olds) use YouTube and youtubers, especially in relation to the construction of online referents and aspirational values, ...
    • Identitat estética en la hipermodernitat. El cas de “Cambio radical” 

      Anyó, Lluís; Rocamora, Josep M. (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      Media consumption imposes models and norms on the individual, who is abandoned to his destiny but constrained to follow it in the same physical identity: his own body. The aesthetic identity can turn ...
    • Ideologías y cultura de masas: aviso para navegantes 

      Salazar Anglada, Aníbal (Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación (RMC) / Mediterranean Journal of Communication (MJC), vol. 10, núm.1, 2019, 2019)
      Ideologías políticas en la cultura de masas es un análisis riguroso de la presencia de múltiples ideologías políticas en el contexto de la cultura de masas y su matriz generadora: los medios de comunicación. ...
    • Improper Distance: The Refugee Crisis Presented by Two Newsrooms 

      Santos Silva, Miguel F.; Brurås, Svein; Beriain Bañares, Ana (Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 31, núm. 4, 2018, 2018-01-02)
      This article examines how the two major newspapers in Spain and Norway between October 2015 and March 2016 covered the refugee crisis in Europe. Based on a quantitative and comparative content analysis ...
    • In God We Trust, with God We Fight. Religion in U.S. Presidential War Rhetoric: From Johnson to Obama 

      Diez-Bosch, Miriam; Franch, Pere (Journal of Media and Religion, vol. 16, núm. 1, 2017, 2017-02-15)
      In times of war, religion features prominently in U.S. presidential rhetoric. It may be used to strengthen courage and hope or to serve as a powerful tool for accepting sacrifices and losses. In this ...
    • (In)justicia digital 

      Micó, Josep-Lluís (Trípodos, núm. 19, 2006, 2006)
      When courts administer justice, they are making decisions of a political nature. The sentences pronounced by judges and magistrates help to configure the framework of harmonious coexistence en the society ...
    • Incidencia de los estilos de vida en la publicidad y el marketing 

      Pérez Navarro, Pilar,; Solanas García, Isabel (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      In recent decades, the concept of life-style has been an object of interest for advertising and marketing because of its intimate relationship with the buying behavior and consumption of individuals. ...
    • Incidental exposure to non-like-minded news through social media: opposing voices in echo-chambers’ news feeds 

      Masip, Pere; Suau Martínez, Jaume; Ruiz-Caballero, Carlos (Media and Communication, vol.8, núm. 4, 2020, 2020)
      Debates about post-truth need to take into account how news re-disseminates in a hybrid media system in which social networks and audience participation play a central role. Hence, there is a certain ...
    • Incomunicados: aislamiento espiritual en Dostoievski y su eco en la narrativa de Carson McCullers 

      Diez-Bosch, Miriam; Micó, Josep-Lluís; Sabaté Gauxachs, Alba (Pensamiento: revista de investigación e información filosófica, vol. 78, núm. 297, 2022, 2022)
      Fiodor Dostoievski (1821-1881) rasga el alma humana hasta dejarla herida por el sufrimien-to, la culpa y el aislamiento. Y, sin embargo, la derrota no gana la batalla. La escritora sureña estadou-nidense ...
    • La indústria dels formats o la globalització de les idees 

      Basté, Carme (Trípodos, núm. 27, 2010, 2010)
      Recent years have seen the development of an authentic industry of formats which has led, particularly in the area of entertainment programs, to a globalization of television programs. ...
    • Influencer Marketing in the Growth Hacking strategy of digital brands 

      Coll, Patricia; Micó, Josep-Lluís (Observatorio (OBS*), vol. 13, núm 2, 2019, 2019)
      This article analyses the presence of influencer marketing in business communications strategies in the new economy, based on the results of an exploratory investigation carried out in accordance with ...
    • La influencia de Argelia en la violencia política de la Transición española (1975–1982) 

      Casals, Xavier (Dictatorships & Democracies. Journal of History and Culture, núm. 8, 2020, 2020)
      Este artículo analiza la influencia de la Guerra de Independencia de Argelia (1954–1962) y de la Argelia independiente en tres ámbitos de la violencia política de la Transición española. En primer lugar, ...
    • Influencia de las historias de Instagram en la atención y emoción según el género 

      Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc; Gutiérrez Aragón, Óscar; Copeiro, Meritxell; Villalba Palacín, Vicente; Polo López, Marc (Comunicar. Revista científica de comunicación y educación, vol. 28, núm. 63, 2020, 2020)
      El impacto de los medios y las redes sociales sobre los usuarios es creciente. El hecho de que la actividad comercial esté inundando la mayor parte de redes sociales motiva a indagar sobre los factores ...
    • Influencia del neuromarketing en la percepción de carteles publicitarios: factores determinantes en la atención 

      Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc; Gutiérrez-Aragón, Óscar; Vidal Portés, Eduard; Pujol, Oriol (Grafica. Documents de disseny gràfic, vol. 11, núm. 22, 2023, 2023-03-15)
      El neuromarketing pretende ahondar en la mente del consumidor. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la fiabilidad y precisión del neuromarketing para realizar campañas y valorar emociones. ...
    • Influència i compromís en Gaziel 

      Alvaro Vidal, Francesc Marc (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2007)
      The journalist Agustí Calvet, Gaziel, became the principal source of intellectual orientation of the Catalan bourgeoisie in the 1930s. In the light of the role of this elite group during the Spanish ...
    • Interactive Advertising on HbbTV: An Experimental Analysis of Emotions 

      Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc; Vidal Portés, Eduard; Muñoz Sánchez, Omar; Polo López, Marc (Sustainability, vol. 13, núm. 14, 2021, 2021)
      : Interactivity in television (and sustainability, thanks to virtualization) is a growing phenomenon, driven especially by the implementation of the HbbTV (hybrid broadcast broadband television) standard. ...
    • Interactividad en la prensa online. Una comparativa en diarios regionales y de referencia en Cataluña 

      Fondevila-Gascón, Joan-Francesc; Vila, Fátima; Rom Rodríguez, Josep A.; Perelló-Sobrepere, Marc (Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, vol. 26, núm. 4, 2020, 2020)
      En el mundo interconectado y always on, los medios de comunicación y sus lectores se enfrentan a una continua transformación de sus relaciones. El multimedia, el hipertexto y ...
    • Is the new new digital journalism a type of activism? An analysis of Jot Down, Gatopardo and The New Yorker 

      Sabaté Gauxachs, Alba; Diez-Bosch, Miriam; Micó, Josep-Lluís (Communication & Society, vol. 32, núm. 4, 2019, 2019)
      Digitization and the economic crisis have led journalism to a new paradigm (Albalad, 2018). Contents and customs have changed, supporting media has changed, new journalisticmodels are hybrids and the ...
    • Islamic Caricature Controversy from Jyllands-Posten to Charlie Hebdo from the Perspective of Arab Opinion Leaders 

      Kazkaz, Lana; Diez-Bosch, Miriam (Religions, vol. 14, núm. 7, 2023, 2023-07-01)
      The Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy began after the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 editorial cartoons in September 2005. Cultural and political relations between the West ...
    • Islamic State in the Spanish Daily Press: Framing Analysis of ‘El Periódico’ and ‘El País’ 

      Santos Silva, Miguel F.; Beriain Bañares, Ana; Setó Pinto, Carles (Trípodos, núm. 40, 2017, 2017)
      This study examines the journalistic production related to Islamic State (ISIS) by two daily Spanish newspa­pers, El Periódico and El País. Through a quantitative content analysis, this study analyzes ...