Now showing items 1-20 of 277

    • Analysis of caesarean section rates using the Robson classification system at a university hospital in Spain 

      Vila-Candel, Rafael; Martin Arribas, Anna; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Castro-Sánchez, Enrique; Soriano-Vidal, Francisco Javier (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(5): 1575, 2020-02)
      Background: The WHO recommends the use of the Robson ten-group classification system (RTGCS) as an effective monitoring and analysis tool to assess the use of caesarean sections (CS). The present study ...
    • Oxytocin administration in low-risk women, a retrospective analysis of birth and neonatal outcomes 

      Espada-Trespalacios, Xavier; Ojeda, Felipe; Perez-Botella, Mercedes; Milà, Raimon; Bach Martínez, Montserrat; Figuls Soler, Helena; Anquela Sanz, Israel; Rodríguez Coll, Pablo; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(8): 4375, 2021-04)
      Background: In recent years, higher than the recommended rate of oxytocin use has been observed among low-risk women. This study examines the relationship between oxytocin administration and birth ...
    • Obstetric–neonatal care during birth and postpartum in symptomatic and asymptomatic women infected with SARS-CoV-2: A retrospective multicenter study 

      Vila-Candel, Rafael; González-Chordá, Victor M.; Soriano-Vidal, Francisco Javier; Castro-Sánchez, Enrique; Rodriguez-Blanco, Noelia; Gómez Seguí, Ana; Andreu-Pejó, Laura; Martínez-Porcar, Cristina; Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, Carmen; Torrent-Ramos, Patricia; Asensio-Tomás, Nieves; Herraiz-Soler, Yolanda; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Mena Tudela, Desirée (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(9): 5482, 2022-04)
      This study analyses the obstetric–neonatal outcomes of women in labour with symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19. A retrospective, multicenter, observational study was carried out between 1 March 2020 ...
    • A comparison between midwifery and obstetric care at birth in Spain: Across-sectional study of perinatal outcomes 

      Martin Arribas, Anna; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Borràs-Santos, Alicia; Vila-Candel, Rafael; González-Blázquez, Cristina (International journal of nursing studies, 2022, 126: 104129, 2022-02)
      Background The organizational structure of maternity services determines the choice of which professionals provide care during pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period, and it influences the kind of ...
    • Systematic review of ethical issues in perinatal mental health research 

      De Wet, Mickie ; Hannon, Susan; Hannon, Kathleen; Axelin, Anna; Uusitalo, Susanne; Bartels, Irena; Eustace-Cook, Jessica; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Daly, Deirdre (Nursing ethics, 2023, 30(4): 482–499, 2023-06)
      BackgroundMaternal mental health during the peripartum period is critically important to the wellbeing of mothers and their infants. Numerous studies and clinical trials have focused on various aspects ...
    • Perinatal outcomes at birth in women infected and non-infected with SARS-CoV-2: A retrospective study 

      Vila-Candel, Rafael; Martin Arribas, Anna; Castro-Sánchez, Enrique; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Martin-Moreno, Jose M. (Healthcare, 2023, 11(21): 2833, 2023-10)
      Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared as a pandemic and public health emergency on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization. Different clinical trials on the efficacy of ...
    • Indications of induction and caesarean sections performed using the Robson classification in a university hospital in Spain from 2010 to 2021 

      Vila-Candel, Rafael; Piquer Martín, Nadia; Perdomo-Ugarte, Nerea; QUESADA, JOSE ANTONIO; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Martin Arribas, Anna (Healthcare, 2023, 11(11), 1521, 2023-05)
      Background: The Robson Ten Group Classification System (RTGCS) enables the assessment, monitoring, and comparison of caesarean section rates both within healthcare facilities and between them, and the ...
    • Midwife-attended planned home births versus planned hospital births in Spain: Maternal and neonatal outcomes 

      Alcaraz-Vidal, Lucia; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Palau-Costafreda, Roser; Leon-Larios, Fatima; Robleda, Gemma (Midwifery, 2024, 136: 104101, 2024-09)
      Background The debate on the safety and outcomes of home versus hospital births highlights the need for evidence-based evaluations of these birthing settings, particularly in Catalonia where both options ...
    • Modification of high-density lipoprotein functions by diet and other lifestyle changes: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials 

      Sanllorente Melenchon, Albert; Lassale, Camille; Soria Florido, María Trinidad; Castañer, Olga; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Hernáez, Álvaro (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021, 10(24): 5897, 2021-12)
      High-density lipoprotein (HDL) functional traits have emerged as relevant elements that may explain HDL antiatherogenic capacity better than HDL cholesterol levels. These properties have been improved ...
    • Trajectories of antidepressant use and 6-year change in body weight: a prospective population-based cohort study 

      Lassale, Camille; Lugon, Gabriela; Hernáez, Álvaro; Frank, Philipp; Marrugat, Jaume; Ramos, Rafel; Garre-Olmo, Josep ; Elosua, Roberto (Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2024, 15: 1464898, 2024-12)
      Background: Antidepressant drug treatment may be associated with weight gain, but long-term studies are lacking. Methods: We included 3,127 adults (1,701 women) from the REGICOR study, aged 55.6 (SD ...
    • Telomere length in relation to fecundability and use of assisted reproductive technologies: the Norwegian mother, father, and child cohort study 

      Skåra, Karoline Hansen; Lee, Yunsung; Jugessur, Astanand; Gjessing, Håkon K.; Aviv, Abraham; Brumpton, Ben; Næss, Øyvind; Hernáez, Álvaro; Hanevik, Hans Ivar; Magnus, Per; Magnus, Maria Christine (BMC Medicine, 2024, 22: 580, 2024-12)
      Background Telomere length (TL) has been reported to be associated with conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, with some studies finding associations with shorter TL and others ...
    • Association between different diet quality scores and depression risk: the REGICOR population-based cohort study 

      Lugon, Gabriela; Hernáez, Álvaro; Jacka, Felice; Marrugat, Jaume; Ramos , Rafel; Garre-Olmo, Josep ; Elosua Llanos, Roberto; Lassale, Camille (European Journal of Nutrition, 2024, 63: 2885-2895, 2024-08)
      Background Our aim was to determine the association between diet quality and depression incidence in the population-based REGICOR cohort study, Catalonia, Spain. Methods Prospective observational ...
    • High fruit and vegetable consumption and moderate fat intake are associated with higher carotenoid concentration in human plasma 

      Marhuenda-Muñoz, María; Rinaldi de Alvarenga, José Fernando; Hernáez, Álvaro; Tresserra-Rimbau, Anna; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Malcampo, Mireia; Alfredo Martínez, J.; Alonso Gómez, Ángel M.; Wärnberg, Julia; Vioque, Jesús; Romaguera, Dora; López Miranda, José; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Tinahones Madueño, Francisco J.; Lapetra, José; Serra Majem, Lluís; Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora; Tur, Josep A.; Martín Sánchez, Vicente; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Delgado-Rodríguez, Miguel; Matía Martín, Pilar; Vidal, Josep; Vázquez, Clotilde; Daimiel, Lidia; Ros, Emilio; Serra-Mir, Mercè; Vázquez Ruiz, Zenaida; Nishi, Stephanie K.; Sorlí, José V.; Zomeño, Dolors; Zulet, M. Angeles; Vaquero Luna, Jessica; Carabaño-Moral, Rosa; Notario Barandiaran, Leyre; Morey, M.; Garcia-Rios, Antonio; Gómez-Pérez, Ana Maria; Santos Lozano, José Manuel; Buil Cosiales, Pilar; Basora, Josep; Portolés, Olga; Schröder, Helmut; Abete, Itziar; Salaverria, Itziar; Toledo, Estefanía; Babio, Nancy; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Martínez-Huélamo, Miriam; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma. (Antioxidants, 2021, 10(3): 473, 2021-03)
      Carotenoids are pigments contained mainly in fruit and vegetables (F&V) that have beneficial effects on cardiometabolic health. Due to their lipophilic nature, co-ingestion of fat appears to increase ...
    • Nitrosyl-heme and heme iron intake from processed meats in subjects from the EPIC-Spain cohort 

      Rizzolo-Brime, Lucía; Farran-Codina, Andreu; Bou, Ricard; Lujan-Barroso, Leila; Quirós, José Ramón; Amiano, Pilar; Sánchez, María-José; Rodríguez-Barranco, Miguel; Guevara, Marcela; Moreno Iribas, Conchi; Gasque, Alba; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Colorado-Yohar, Sandra; Huerta, José María; Agudo, Antonio; Jakszyn, Paula (Nutrients, 2024, 16(6): 878, 2024-03)
      Background: The consumption of processed meats (PMs) and red meats are linked to the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer. Various theories have been proposed to explain this connection, focusing ...
    • Healthcare students' exposure to sexual violence during clinical placements in Spain: A cross-sectional study 

      Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Carrillo Alvarez, Elena; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís; Comes-Forastero, Mercè; Martin Arribas, Anna; Reyes-Vizacarro, Marta; Gasch Gallén, Ángel (European Journal of Education, 2025, 60: e12892, 2025-01)
      Data from international investigations indicate that gender-based violence is a phenomenon that also occurs in the university environment. Despite the fact that clinical learning environments have been ...
    • The use of simulation in nursing education programs: A cross-sectional interuniversity study 

      Chabrera, Carolina; Aldomà, M.; Bazo-Hernández, Leticia; Faro, M.; Farrés-Tarafa, M.; Gil-Mateu, E.; Gómez-Ibáñez, R.; Insa, E.; Medel, D.; Peñataro Pintado, Ester; Puiggrós-Binefa, Antònia; Rascón, C.; Sarria-Guerrero, J.A.; Ricart, M.; Suris, Cristina; Fernández, P.; Rodríguez, E. (Nursing Forum, 2024, article ID 1091530, 2024-02)
      Background. Simulation-based education has been incorporated into nursing curricula as an educational strategy. However, its implementation has not yet been standardized in different regions. Purpose. ...
    • Drug related problems in clinical practice: a cross-sectional study on their prevalence, risk factors and associated pharmaceutical interventions 

      Garin, Noe; Sole, Nuria; Lucas, Beatriz; Matas, Laia; Moras, Desiree; Rodrigo-Troyano, Ana; Gras-Martin, Laura; Fonts, Nuria (Scientific reports, 2021, 11, 883, 2021-01)
      Drug-related problems (DRP) cause preventable negative health outcomes, especially during hospital admissions. The aim of our study was to examine the prevalence and characteristics of DRP in regular ...
    • Energy balance and risk of mortality in Spanish older adults 

      Lassale, Camille; Hernáez, Álvaro; Toledo, Estefanía; Castañer, Olga; Sorlí, José V.; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Ros, Emilio; Alonso Gómez, Ángel M.; Lapetra, José; Cueto, Raquel; Fiol, Miquel; Serra Majem, Lluís; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Gea, Alfredo; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Babio, Nancy; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Schröder, Helmut (Nutrients, 2021, 13(5): 1545, 2021-05)
      Clinical data on the direct health effects of energy deficit or surplus beyond its impact on body weight are scarce. We aimed to assess the association with all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality ...
    • Mediterranean diet and physical activity decrease the initiation of cardiovascular drug use in high cardiovascular risk individuals: A cohort study 

      Ribó-Coll, Margarita; Castro-Barquero, Sara; Lassale, Camille; Sacanella Meseguer, Emilio; Ros, Emilio; Toledo, Estefanía; Sorlí, José V.; Díaz López, Andrés; Lapetra, José; Muñoz-Bravo, Carlos; Arós, Fernando; Fiol, Miquel; Serra Majem, Lluís; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Castañer, Olga; Fernandez-Lazaro, Cesar I.; Portolés, Olga; Babio, Nancy; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Hernáez, Álvaro (Antioxidants, 2021, 10(3): 397, 2021-03)
      Our aim was to assess whether long-term adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) were associated with a lower initiation of cardiovascular drug use. We studied ...
    • Association between pre-diagnostic circulating lipid metabolites and colorectal cancer risk: a nested case–control study in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) 

      Harewood, Rhea; Rothwell, Joseph A.; Bešević, Jelena; Viallon, Vivian; Achaintre, David; Gicquiau, Audrey; Rinaldi, Sabina; Wedekind, Roland; Prehn, Cornelia; Adamski, Jerzy; Schmidt, Julie A.; Jacobs, Inarie; Tjønneland, Anne; Olsen, Anja; Severi, Gianluca; Kaaks, Rudolf; Katzke, Verena Andrea; Schulze, Matthias B.; Prada, Marcela ; Masala, Giovanna; Agnoli, Claudia; Panico, Salvatore; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Jakszyn, Paula; Sánchez, María-José; Castilla, Jesús; Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores; Aizpurua Atxega, Amaia; Van Guelpen, Bethany; Heath, Alicia K.; Papier, Keren; Tong, Tammy Y. N.; Summers, Scott A.; Playdon, Mary; Cross, Amanda J.; Keski-Rahkonen, Pekka; Chajès, Véronique; Murphy, Neil; Gunter, Marc J. (eBioMedicine, 2024, 101: 105024, 2024-03)
      Background Altered lipid metabolism is a hallmark of cancer development. However, the role of specific lipid metabolites in colorectal cancer development is uncertain. Methods In a case–control study ...