Inquiry based mathematics education and the development of learning trajectories
Otros/as autores/as
Fecha de publicación
This article is based on the panel on inquiry based mathematics education and the development of learning trajectories held at the VARGA 100 Conference. After an introduction presenting the theme and organization of the panel, this article focuses on the diversity of conceptualizations of inquiry based education existing today in mathematics education and their influence on the vision and development of learning trajectories. More precisely, it considers the conceptualizations respectively associated with Realistic Mathematics Education, Genetic Constructivism, Tamás Varga’s educational approach and the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, presented by the panellists, and also shows the efforts undertaken in European projects to reach consensusal visions.
Tipo de documento
Versión publicada
Materias (CDU)
37 - Educación. Enseñanza. Formación. Tiempo libre
51 - Matemáticas
Palabras clave
Inquiry based mathematics education
Learning trajectory
Realistic mathematics education
Genetic constructivism
Tamás Varga’s educational approach
Lajos Pósa method
Anthropological theory of the didactic
27 p.
Publicado por
University of Debrecen
Publicado en
Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science. Vol.18, n.3 (2020) p.63-89
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