DAU - Arxiu Digital de la URL: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 4459
Sustainability and efficiency assessment of routes for long-term energy storage in chemicals
(Sustainable Production and Consumption 2025, 54, 289-302, 2025-03)Renewable power plays a prominent role in the decarbonization of energy generation, particularly wind and solar energy sources. However, the intermittency of these renewable sources calls for energy ... -
“Leave no one behind”. A power-capabilities-energy justice perspective on energy transition in remote rural communities in Cambodia
(World Development 2025, 185, 106793, 2025-01)Over the past two decades electricity access in Cambodia has increased considerably. The Electricity Authority of Cambodia has announced that the country expanded energy access from 34% in 2010 to 98% ... -
Cluster and Kill: the Use of Clustering-Triggered Emission Materials for Singlet Oxygen Photosensitization in Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy
(Advanced Optical Materials 2025, 13 (3), 2402179, 2025-01-24)The emergence of light-based technologies is revolutionizing modern medicine and healthcare by enabling precise disease diagnosis and treatment through various luminescent agents and imaging techniques. ... -
Glycogenin is dispensable for normal liver glycogen metabolism and body glucose homeostasis
(International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2025, 291, 139084, 2025-02)Glycogen is a glucose-storage polysaccharide molecule present in animals, fungi and bacteria. The enzyme glycogenin can self-glycosylate, forming an oligosaccharide chain that primes glycogen synthesis. ... -
Differential effects of positive versus negative contact: The importance of distinguishing valence from intensity
(Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 2025)More and more research is considering the effects of both positive and negative intergroup contact on intergroup attitudes. To date, little is known about what factors may differentially influence these ... -
Fostering Smart Citizens: The Role of Public Libraries in Smart City Development
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2024)With rapid urbanization, cities worldwide have sought innovative, sustainable solutions such as smart city initiatives to leverage technology and data to better manage this growth and the challenges it ... -
Historia de las marcas. La marca. De la prehistoria al futuro
(Economía Industrial, 2024)Las marcas tienen su origen en la prehistoria y tienen un futuro infinito ya que la humanidad tiene necesidad de identificar y distinguir a sus miembros y a sus cosas; pero desde muy antiguo las marcas ... -
Dietary changes and food habits: social and clinical determinants in a cohort of women diagnosed with breast cancer in Barcelona (DAMA cohort)
(Cancer Causes and Control, 2021, 32: 1355–1364, 2021-09)Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of social determinants on changes in dietary habits before and after diagnosis of breast cancer in women (Barcelona, 2003–2013). Methods We ... -
Quality of reporting acupuncture interventions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Review of adherence to the STRICTA statement [version 2; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]
(F1000Research, 2020, 9:226, 2020-10)Background: The quality of reporting of acupuncture interventions is critical to ensure the applicability and reproducibility of acupuncture clinical trials. In the past, different publications have ... -
Inappropriate patient sexual behavior in physiotherapy: A systematic review
(Sustainability, 2021, 13(24): 13876, 2021-12)A behavior which is increasing in prevalence is sexual harassment initiated by a client and displayed towards the healthcare professionals and students of these healthcare-related professions. This is ... -
In search of the silver-lining
(Public Administration Review, 2025)Tensions between police organizations and (community) stakeholders have taken center stage in recent years, with an escalation in protests and divisive rhetoric observed in many countries. Using attribution ... -
The impact of board gender quotas on analyst recommendations: A difference-in-differences analysis
(Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review, 28(1), 71–83, 2025-01-02)Norway provides the case study for examining the impact of board gender quotas on firm performance. The debate that ultimately led to the introduction of the quota was heated and polarised, with opponents ... -
Sustainable Development Goals-Based Prospective Process Design Using Hybrid Modeling
(Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2025, 64 (5), 2816–2830, 2025-02-05)Replacing fossil technologies with renewable carbon-based technologies is of vital importance for the development of sustainable chemical processes in the future. However, impacts beyond climate change ... -
Win–Win More Sustainable Routes for Acetic Acid Synthesis
(ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2025, 13 (4), 1522–1531, 2025-02-03)Current efforts to decarbonize the chemical sector by using captured CO2 and electrolytic H2 typically lead to high production costs and environmental collateral damage. Hence, there is a clear need to ... -
Lack of pragmatic attitude of self-labelled pragmatic trials on manual therapy: a methodological review
(BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2024, 24: 273, 2024-11)Background Pragmatic randomized controlled trials are getting more interest to improve trials’ external validity. This study aimed to assess how pragmatic the design of the self-labelled pragmatic ... -
Pornography Consumption Among Young People: An Assessment of Parents’ and Teachers’ Training Needs
(Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2025, 2025-01)Introduction In Spain and Italy, it is estimated that childrens’ frst contact with pornography can occur before the age of 10 years. Minors in this position lack the emotional tools necessary to analyze ... -
Video Game Structural Features Are Related to Internet Gaming Disorder and Motivations of Play: Design and Validation of the Video Game Structure Scale (VGSS)
(International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (2025), 2025-01)Structural characteristics of video games influence the development of maladaptive behavioral patterns such as Internet gaming disorder (IGD). The aim of this study was to develop and validate a tool ... -
Cultural adaptation and psychometric analysis of Communication Activities of Daily Living third edition in Spanish and Catalan for people with aphasia
(International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 59, 2844–2857, 2024-10)Background: In the Spanish and Catalan context, there is currently a lack of standardized, linguistically adapted tools to assess people with communication disorders. This lack is especially evident ... -
Correction to: Social media disclosure and reputational damage
(Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2024)The article social media disclosure and reputational damage written by Xing Huan, Antonio Parbonetti, Giulia Redigolo and Zhewei Zhang was originally published Online First without Open Access. After ... -
Optimizing resource allocation in home care services using MaxSAT
(Cognitive Systems Research, 2024)In large urban areas, enhancing the personal care and quality of life for elderly individuals poses a critical societal challenge. As the population ages and the amount of people requiring assistance ...