DAU - Arxiu Digital de la URL: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 4359
Dietary diversity and nutritional adequacy among an older spanish population with metabolic syndrome in the PREDIMED-Plus Study: A cross-sectional analysis
(Nutrients, 2019, 11(5): 950, 2019-04)Dietary guidelines emphasize the importance of a varied diet to provide an adequate nutrient intake. However, an older age is often associated with consumption of monotonous diets that can be nutritionally ... -
Electromyographic analysis of ankle muscles in young adults with Down syndrome before and after the implementation of a physical activity programme based on dance
(Apunts: medicina de l'esport, 2018, 53(198): 63-73, 2018-06)Introduction People with Down syndrome have difficulties in postural control and exhibit differences in the displacement of their centre of pressure and in muscle activity compared with the general ... -
Electromyografic study of the arms in competitive karting senior category drivers
(Revista internacional de medicina y ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte, 2023, 23(93), 2023-12)The main goal of this cross-sectional study was to assess the muscular activity of the upper limbs in competitive kart drivers while driving in a closed karting circuit, using surface electromyography ... -
El efecto de la edad relativa en el hockey patines de alto nivel en España
(Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, 19(62), 2196, 2024-10)La influencia de la distribución de los nacimientos de los deportistas en los diferentes períodos del año sobre el rendimiento deportivo se llama efecto de la edad relativa. La presente investigación ... -
Is loneliness a predictor of the modern geriatric giants? Analysis from the survey of health, ageing, and retirement in Europe
(Maturitas, Volume 144, 93 - 101, 2020-12)Background The modern Geriatric Giants have evolved to encompass four new syndromes, of frailty (linked to fatigue and physical inactivity), sarcopenia, anorexia of ageing, and cognitive impairment. ... -
Understanding customer brand engagement in user-initiated online brand communities: antecedents and consequences
(Journal of Product & Brand Management. 2019;30(3):360-376, 2019-11-04)Purpose The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of customer brand engagement (CBE) by proposing and empirically testing a model of antecedents and consequences of CBE for ... -
Prácticum Indagador y Video Enhance Observation (VEO) en la Formación de Maestros
(Praxis & Saber, 15(41), 1–17., 2024-09)El estudio analiza cómo las mentoras de los centros de prácticas y las tutoras universitarias valoran una propuesta de prácticum basado en la indagación los estudiantes del Grado en ... -
Moving towards preservice teachers’ implementation of universal design for learning: the central role of self-efficacy
(Teachers and Teaching, 2024, 1–19, 2024-02)As Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has emerged as a reference model to facilitate inclusive education, recent policies have stated the need to strengthen its use in schools and to train preservice ... -
The Influence of Organizations’ Tax Avoidance Practices on Consumers’ Behavior: The Role of Moral Reasoning Strategies, Political Ideology, and Brand Identification
(Journal of Business Ethics. 2020;174:369-386, 2020-09-02)This study adopts moral reasoning strategies (moral rationalization and decoupling) to investigate why consumers support companies involved in ethical transgressions. Drawing on several cases of real ... -
Adherence to the mediterranean lifestyle and desired body weight loss in a mediterranean adult population with overweight: A PREDIMED-Plus Study
(Nutrients, 2020, 12(7): 2114, 2020-07)Background. Body weight dissatisfaction is a hindrance to following a healthy lifestyle and it has been associated with weight concerns. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the association ... -
De los códigos deontológicos a la cultura ética en la acción social y educativa
(Educació social: revista d’intervenció sòcioeducativa, núm. 84, pàg. 57-86, 2024., 2024-12-01)El presente artículo plantea los elementos para la construcción de una cultura ética en las organizaciones. Inicialmente, se describe el reto de hacer presente la ética en el día a día de la actividad ... -
Ética, religión y espiritualidad en educación social
(Educació social: revista d’intervenció sòcioeducativa, núm. 84, pàg. 15-37, 2024, 2024-12-01)En este artículo presentamos una reflexión sobre el respeto a la libertad de creencias en el marco de la acción socioeducativa. El derecho reconocido en el artículo 18 de la Declara-ción Universal de ... -
Explorando el papel de la espiritualidad en la experiencia migratoria: perspectivas de personas migrantes asentadas en España
(Revista internacional de estudios migratorios, Vol.14 (1), pàg. 31-62, 2024, 2024-12-23)La migración conlleva transformaciones profundas, donde el aspecto espiritual de los individuos desempeña un papel crítico. Este estudio cualitativo presenta hallazgos basados en entrevistas en profundidad ... -
Factores clave que facilitan la innovación social en el tercer sector
(European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, pàg. 1–20, 2024, 2024-11-20)Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio consiste en describir los factores que influyen en los procesos de innovación social en las entidades del tercer sector. Metodología: Desde el estudio de tres ... -
Video-Based Feedback for Collaborative Reflection among Mentors, University Tutors and Students
(Education sciences, 2023, 13, 879., 2023-08)Using video technology to support individual and collaborative reflection in pre-service teacher education is an increasingly common practice. This paper explores the type of teaching practice challenges ... -
Identidad del profesional de la orientación educativa en el contexto colombiano: rol, funciones y posicionamientos
(REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 34(2), 7–28., 2023-07)La finalidad de este estudio es describir la identidad profesional de un grupo de profesionales de la orientación educativa en el contexto colombiano a partir de las funciones que desempeñan y cómo se ... -
Semiparametric modeling for the cardiometabolic risk index and individual risk factors in the older adult population: A novel proposal
(PLOS ONE, 19(4): e0299032., 2024-04)The accurate monitoring of metabolic syndrome in older adults is relevant in terms of its early detection, and its management. This study aimed at proposing a novel semiparametric modeling for a ... -
Reasons and External Factors That Influence Access to University and Job Placement Programs for Individuals with Intellectual Disability
(Behavioral Sciences, 2023, 13(9), 2023-09)Despite the rapid growth in inclusive university programs, access to inclusive higher education is still limited for students with intellectual disability (ID). This article explores the perspectives ... -
School administrators’ perceptions of democratic coexistence in Catalan schools: An analytical study
(South African Journal of Education, 42(2), 1-17, 2022-05)In democratic societies, education should help build a participative, critical and responsible citizenry and therefore promote the role of schools as settings where students learn democratic coexistence. ... -
Does reciprocal peer observation promote the transfer of learning to teaching practice?
(Psychology in the Schools. 2024;61:3873–3890., 2024-06)This paper investigates whether Reciprocal Peer Observation is an effective practice for promoting Teacher Professional Development. It focuses on analysing the Improvement Goals transfer processes ...