Treballs de l'alumnat: TFG i TFM: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 1144
The art of indigenous struggle. The strategies of the Awas Tingni and Sarayaku communities in their international fight for land rights
(2021)Indigenous peoples have been repressed for centuries, unheard by states which disregarded their rights. This research is an analysis of the strategies local indigenous movements in Latin America have ... -
Home-based exercise programs delivered by digital health interventions for older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis Physiotherapy
(2021-09)BACKGROUND: The aged population is growing, and clinical practice guidelines widely report recommendations for therapeutic exercise as a central axis of active and healthy ageing. Digital health ... -
Recorda: disseny d'un projecte en un àmbit professional
(2021-10-15)Aquest treball es basa en el disseny d’un projecte per el col·lectiu de persones grans, concretament malalts d’Alzheimer en GDS quatre i els seus cuidadors principals, residents a Barcelona. Es tracta ... -
La influència de l’escola en la construcció d’una societat més feminista
(2021)El feminisme és un moviment social i teoria política cada cop més present en la societat actual. Esdevé essencial perquè aquest moviment implica l’anàlisi de la realitat, la presa de consciència de les ... -
La adversidad: resiliencia, apego adulto, depresión y factores asociados
(2019)La resiliencia es un constructo ampliamente investigado en relación a los estilos de apego y la depresión. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso en su definición ni en sus factores asociados. Tampoco se ... -
Terapia grupal en pacientes adolescentes con sintomatología límite de la personalidad: seguimiento de un grupo que no llegó a serlo
(2020)The complete diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) in adolescence is a topic of great controversy even now a days, however, the presence of traits in this population group makes it necessary ... -
L’evolució dels estereotips de gènere en l’Educació Física entre la Primària i la Secundària Obligatòria
(2021)L’activitat física en l’àmbit escolar és una eina que permet desenvolupar aptituds físiques i cognitives a través de la pràctica de l’esport. Actualment, la desigualtat de gènere és una qüestió social ... -
The Role of Diplomacy and International Law in Water-Related Disputes: Case Studies of the Nile River Basin and the Jordan River Basin
(2021)This research is focused on the influence of diplomacy and International Law in disputes derived from water security and scarcity in the region of Middle East and North Africa. The research analyzes two ... -
"The right to harvest": Inuit contested accountability on re-source development in Nunavut, 1970-2020
(2021)Since the early contact between Europeans and Inuit citizens in Nunavut, these communities have experienced transformative changes in regards to their traditional lifestyle due to the prominent role ... -
Internationalisation plan of a song to the German Music Market
(2021)In today's world, it is believed that globalisation has had a significant impact on the field of international relations. One of the most affected industries has been the entertainment field due to the ... -
The socio-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on European economies and their economic responses to the crisis
(2021)The economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a widespread recession. Its socio-economic impacts could potentially be devastating and long-lasting. Europe has been especially hit. To ... -
The Internationalization of Pangea Academy
(2021)In the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the international environment has drastically changed, producing a rapid technological leap, and effecting core issues like is education. This last was ... -
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management into Cyber Risks: Proposing a Policy Brief to the Barcelona City Council
(2021)Cyber risks and incidents have augmented in the past decade with the increasing usage and development of internet services. Consequently, national and regional cybersecurity agencies have been set to ... -
Chagos: Dispossession and Exile in Paradise
(2021)The expulsion of Chagossians in the late 1960s and early 1970s by British authorities resulted in the dispossession of the whole population and the survival of colonialism in the Indian Ocean. Following ... -
#Metoo or the art of call-out culture: Assessing the impact of Social Movements in International Relations
(2021)We do no longer live in a state-centric world. New actors such as transnational companies, cities, or social movements are earning their place within IR. The aim of this research is to highlight social ... -
The Political Prospects of Geoengineering: An Assessment of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the London Convention
(2020)This dissertation investigates the ways in which geoengineering interlinks with global environmental politics (GEP) and how they cohere together. The core question is how geoengineering fits in today’s ... -
Treball Social Comunitari per fomentar la integració dels adolescents amb malalties i trastorns mentals i a les seves famílies: Contribuint en la superació de l’estigma i la discriminació d’aquest col·lectiu a la ciutat de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat
(2021-09-09)Proposta d’un projecte d’intervenció comunitària per fomentar la integració social i la qualitat de vida dels adolescents amb malalties i trastorns mentals, usuaris i usuàries del Centre de Salut ... -
Intervenció social amb menors sense referent familiar segons normativa legal vigent a Mataró
(2021-09-09)El presente trabajo de final de grado de trabajo social pretende realizar una reflexión sobre la bibliografía normativa que regula la intervención social, en el marco de referencia de los menores sin ... -
Consecuencias de la transmisión intergeneracional del maltrato infantil en el trastorno reactivo de la vinculación en la infancia
(2020)A través de la presentación de un caso de Trastorno reactivo de la vinculación en la infancia en un niño de 8 años, atendido en el Centro de Salud Mental Infantil y Juvenil de Granollers, se analizó la ... -
Conducta Suicida en la Adolescencia
(2020)La Conducta Suicida (CS) sin resultado mortal en sus diversas manifestaciones es un fenómeno de alta prevalencia durante el periodo vital de la adolescencia, Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron, ...