Treballs de l'alumnat: TFG i TFM: Enviaments recents
Ara mostrant els elements 1041-1060 de 1149
How does the Pol & Grace Hotel manage customer experience?
(2016-09)The purpose of this research is to analyze the management of the customer experience in the Pol & Grace Hotel according to the theoretical models. This research reviews the theoretical models of the ... -
Chinese tourists’ motivations to visit Barcelona
(2016-09)The purpose of this research is to find out what motivates Chinese tourists to choose Barcelona as their holiday destination instead of gravitating towards another option. It will evaluate if Chinese ... -
Sport Tourism in Barcelona: The Zurich Marathon Case Study
(2016-09)This thesis analyze why sport tourist choose Barcelona as a sport destination. It is going to be based on a real case which is a case study of Zurich Marathon of Barcelona. In order to know the opinion ... -
The Image of Barcelona as a tourism destination: Russian market perception
(2016-09)The purpose of this study has been find out what is the image that Russian tourists have of Barcelona focusing on the mental destination image perceived by asking the research question: “What is the ... -
Analysis of the gap between new hotel technologies and guests' ability to use them
(2016-09)The purpose of this study was to analyze the gap between the new technologies that the hotels offer to their guest and their ability or knowledge to use these technologies. With this study the hoteliers ... -
La interpretación de los criterios de la herencia vernácula es la clave para lograr una arquitectura residencial sostenible
(2016)Mi intensión principal con este trabajo de grado es probar que los conocimiento ancestrales de nuestra arquitectura tradicional o arquitectura vernácula tiene los criterios esenciales para solucionar ... -
Noves masculinitats
(2016-07-27)The New Masculinities is a work that goes deeply into the theorization of the construction of new masculinities as alternatives to the hegemonic masculinity model. The main question tries to give an ... -
La evolución del sentido moral en el Trabajo Social
(2016-07-18)This article is a theoretical study in relation to the moral sense in social work. The overall objective is to analyze the evolution of how it has built the moral sense in social work and how it looks ... -
Acompanyar a persones drogodependents cap a una inserció social satisfactòria. Estudi del procés d’inserció social a Catalunya.
(2016-07-18)After the non-formal observation of failures in the processes of social integration of drug addicts, a pilot design has been conducted, from an applied research to the intervention, on the status and ... -
El Treball Social en Salut Mental Infanto-juvenil: El TDAH en el Servei de Psiquiatria Infanto-juvenil de l’Hospital Clínic
(2016-07-18)The present project tries to approach a perspective of Social Work within the infant mental health sector, and in particular, that of the intervention done within diagnosticated cases of ADHD by looking ... -
Motivations to study abroad. A statistical analysis
(2016-07)Studying abroad has become a very important element in the educational curriculum of a very important part of the world’s student population. Companies take into account international experience, specially ... -
How can your company benefit from incentive travel? A study of the benefits of offering incentive travel
(2016-07)The aim of this study is to create an accurate and valid list of the different benefits of Incentive Travel, given the relevant importance that his tool has for many companies that have been using it ... -
The current situation of Barcelona as a Shopping Destination
(2016-07)The purpose of this study was to analyze the current situation of the shopping tourism in Barcelona by examining how the city is promoting the product of shopping as well as identifying the profile of ... -
Alas para el autismo: A study of the benefits of offering incentive travel
(2016-07)The access to tourism activities is considered a right for everybody no matter their origin nor their condition. Consequently, accessible tourism is becoming more important in modern societies in order ... -
Casa de hierba - caña guada. Caso de estudio: Casa Convento. Chone - Ecuador
(2016-06)El siguiente trabajo de investigación, es estudiar y analizar la obra arquitectónica Casa Convento, específicamente los diferentes usos y aplicaciones del material Caña Guadua, utilizado en los siguientes ... -
Cerro de Pasco, de campamento a ciudad
(2016-06)El presente trabajo de investigación, consiste en elaborar un estudio de la evolución del desarrollo urbano territorial de la ciudad-campamento de Cerro de Pasco, ubicada en los Andes Centrales del Perú, ... -
Modular systems in architecture. An overview of modulary through case studies
(2016-06)Modularity has proved to be used for describing an exceptional property of the subject under matter and also to introduce a quality which positions the object in a very unique category within the field ... -
Infraestructura verde como alternativas para conectar los espacios públicos fragmentados en Guayaquil - Ecuador
(2016-06)Esta investigación se ha basado en el estudio de la evolución o desarrollo urbano de la ciudad; en identificar las características, cambios estructurales y paisajísticos generados por el nuevo espacio ... -
L’ús i coneixement del terme de diversitat funcional en el Treball Social
(2016-06-05)People with functional diversity represent 15% world’s population, according to WHO’s data (2011). So, they have a significant value in society, as well as in the resources where the social sector ... -
Un dia amb la Maria i l’Oriol: Eina diagnòstica amb infants de dos a set anys
(2016-05-27)This project is the creation of a new support material to identify the existence of child abuse (we considered also the omission as a kind of abuse). The aim of the project is to get closer to children’s ...