Narrative time in video games and films: from loop to travel in time
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Within the broad framework of audiovisual theories, this paper deals with the
analysis of narrative time in video games. Starting with the concept of participation time, which is taken from the interactive media, the now classic concepts of
the narratology of flm studies are applied to clarify the main mutual infuences
between the two media in relation to narrative time. Unlike the cinema, the
narrative character of video games is not always clear. Generally, video games
are always games and ofen also stories. Certainly, the playable character of these
stories confers on them a few specifc characteristics that need to be explored.
Two aspects of narrative time are relevant here. Firstly, the loop as an elementary control structure of computer programming and as a characteristic
narrative form of time structure in video games, and secondly, the paradox of
travel in time in the discrepancy between the time order at the level of the story
and at the level of the narrative.
Document Type
Published version
Subject (CDU)
68 - Industries, crafts and trades for finished or assembled articles
Comunicació audiovisual
12 p.
Publisher Culturale Ludica
Is part of
Game. The Italian Journal of Game Studies, núm. 4, 2015
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